Wednesday, May 22, 2013

FOX31 gun show 'terrorist' report called a hoax

I spoke with this Denver NBC reporter last night. [More]

As evidenced by the multiple updates I posted on this blog yesterday, I've been following all the leads I could find to get to the bottom of this story and have come to the conclusion that I and others got taken in.  I'll provide more details later today when I issue a retraction piece, which I'll write after I speak with one more lead in a couple hours.


  1. Truth is stranger than fiction once again. For heaven's sake who is "27-year-old Korrine Aguirre of Walsenburg, in southern Colorado" and what motivated her to contact Fox 31? This will be real interesting. Is she an attorney or isn't she? And the other source(s), where did they get their information and what motivates them? IS this a cascade anomaly of errors or a finely honed plan carried out by unsuspecting players or purposed people plants?

    Whatever the outcome there's one thing we know for certain, David Codrea is one of the good guys!

  2. My question is, who stood to benefit from this hoax? No one on our side. Has Bloomberg turned to dirty tricks to further his agenda? Wouldn't surprise me - a hungry python is more trustworthy than he.


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