Friday, May 17, 2013

Gun Owners for Gun Laws

Sure you are. [Read]


  1. So - the first photo posted on the page is a picture of a child bearing a sign stating "disarm."

    Any questions?

  2. Or, how they post a study showing you're more likely to get hurt with a gun in your home rather than use it to defend yourself, and then ban someone for pointing out (I assume because his remarks must have been deleted)that the study is the debunked Kellerman study. But despite the admonishment from the page owner that the study isn't the Kellerman study, a quick Google search shows that it is. They can't even lie well....

  3. Anon, the citation right on their pie chart is the Kellerman study. [grin] Yeah, they deleted my comment right quick. And blocked me. But someone else got a link in showing that it's Kellerman. I guess Denton went to bed, because he hasn't deleted LIFE's comment yet.


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