Friday, May 24, 2013

There's an App for That

Find and rate businesses who support Second Amendment rights. [More
Their press release gives more information.

We discussed a similar effort back in March. I can't say how the two ventures compare, because I still carry an old clamshell pull-start model, so those of you who are not reta...uh...technologically challenged will need to weigh in with your own comparative product reviews.

New-fangled gizmos are tough for me.  When I was in college, the hot new bar novelty was Pong, so by the time the gaming industry took off, I was a "grup" and didn't have incentive to learn such things, which seemed geared for much younger people. That doesn't mean we hadn't mastered what was necessary: I recall (in the days when many smoked cigarettes at their desks) transcribing assembly parts lists onto 80-column forms to be punched into cards to feed a mainframe. My first "PC" had a 512K drive, an amber monitor and a daisy wheel printer. I recall being irritated as hell the first time I tried to use a mouse, because the damn thing seemed so non-intuitive. 

And when I see the ease with which feral sons Uday and Qusay navigate through all the intricacies of making what's on a screen conform to totally confounding controller commands, and all the stuff they seem to be able to do on devices called "phones" but that do so much more, none of which I grok or see as necessary, all I want to do at that point is keep small furry mammals from eating the eggs. Trying to learn to keep up convinces me if I'd been born a couple decades later, I'd have been a prime candidate for attention deficit drugs.

But for those of you who haven't outlived your usefulness and aren't obsolete, by all means, do try out this new application and make sure you let everyone know if you get value from it.


  1. David, as a 61-year old grad student I am in awe of the way my younger colleagues (that is, ALL of them) can manipulate windows on their computers, sync their smart phones with their laptops, and generally do about anything that needs doing, digitally. There's one thing you and I have that these youngsters will take YEARS to get, and that is EXPERIENCE in the working world. So it's not that we've outlived our usefulness; my fellow students have yet to prove theirs.


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