Wednesday, May 15, 2013

We're the Only Ones "The Hits Just Keep on Coming" Enough

Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy says his department is taking seriously a purported directive from a Chicago street gang to kill members of law enforcement. [More]
Jeez, what a dilemma.

It's not exactly like you can go to that group the Founders deemed "necessary to the security of a free State" for help in a time of need, is it?

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via William T]


  1. Street gangs should be treated as insurrectionist militias instead of merely criminal enterprises.

  2. Wait, before I condemn anyone, let me make sure I got the score right:
    1. Licensed thugs seize arms in direct contravention of the constitution.
    2. Citizens whose arms were seized form militias to end the depredations of said licensed thugs.
    3. Licensed thugs use their stranglehold on the press to sway public opinion against the citizens.
    4. Thus the citizens are in the wrong.

    This doesn't work for me. It looks to me like the costumed thugs who originally abrogated the second amendment rights of these citizens are getting the just desserts of their repugnant habits.


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