Friday, June 21, 2013

Amnesty could remove firearms disabilities from millions of current lawbreakers

That appears to mean, unless that law is changed, untold millions who have willfully violated federal immigration laws -- for years -- could become eligible to own and carry guns, because there is nothing in U.S. Code prohibiting "provisional immigrants." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary has something to tick off both sides of the debate -- which is fine by me if it helps derail the selling out of the Republic.


  1. Really gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I live in a small town, but there's a great many 'questionable' immigrants that I would be worried about if they had a gun.

    In truth, I've never placed too much thought into it, and just assumed that those that entered this country illegally would never even inquire about buying a gun because it required showing ID. I guess it's something easy to fake; high-schoolers do it all the time.

  2. "Translated, that means most of them, after taking the "path to citizenship," will probably vote Democrat."

    The naive premise here is that voting Republican secures RKBA.

    This is one of the dumber (not to mention self-destructive) lines I've seen RKBA folks take recently. For once, NRA has got it right. We should be cheering that so-called "illegals" are getting their rights. Stay on the gun issue and stop making paranoid fantasies about how Jose' is going to vote. I'd trust the average Mexican to be more pro-RKBA than the average American.

    Also keep in mind that the second the government passes a gun ban, all of us will be "illegals" too. There is nothing particularly virtuous about the law; most law that creates "mala prohibita" crimes is inherently immoral. Everyone should be as practiced at lawbreaking as those "illegal immigrants" are. I have no use for the "good Germans" among us.

  3. Paul X-- no one ever said voting Republican will secure RKBA and if you knew first thing about the terrain you're on you'd have never made such an assumption. What's certain is the Democrats as a whole are hostile to it, the Repubs as a whole block the most egregious infringements and that the path to citizenship folks would vote overwhelmingly Democrat. You're free to not to believe that if you like, but you'd be wrong. And if you'd trust the average Mexican more on RKBA, that's simply foolish if you look at gun laws the average Mexicans put up with in their own country. Call reality a paranoid fantasy if you like, but that's simply because you have no real argument or you would have presented something to substantiate your opinion.

  4. Paul X: Just look at California.

  5. The feds giving guns to Mexican criminals. Where have I seen that before?

  6. "most of them will vote D"

    Correct: E.g., See California, or "Cali". Vast majority vote hard D, and the Dem-O'graphics have changed to the point that various stripes of commies have a permanent chokehold. One gun control bill after another spits out for Moonbeam's rubber stamp. And the commies are so solidly in control that they've begun moving to gut the landmark Prop 13 property tax limits, which would've been "unthinkable" just a few years ago, but was predictable thanks to Reagan's amnesty, which restulted in a very small fraction of the number of greencards that will be fire-sold by the current bill, and by the subsequent immigration policy subversion.

    "The naive premise here is that voting R secures RKBA."

    The faulty premise was yours - no one here said it did. There's voting R - Republican in an honest sense of the word - and then there's voting "R" - RINO. The Republican Party will still exist in your Bizarro, Open-Immigration USA - but in name only, just like the USA you wrecked.

    Do you think voting D secures RKBA? Given that there are hardly any true pro-gun Dems? That 100% of them voted for Sotomayor, Kagan, Holder and other gun grabbing commie noms, even the Senators with phony "A" ratings by the NRA? Or are you suffering from "Libertarian" delusion?

    "For once, NRA has got it right. We should be cheering that so-called 'illegals' are getting their rights."

    Did the NRA say that? Source please.

    "I'd trust the average Mexican to be more pro-RKBA than the average American."

    Yes, you prefer invaders over your fellow citizens. That reveals a real Quisling, collaborator sort of contempt for your moral obligation to the rights of your fellow citizens. It's crazy enough that you want to arm people who invaded your country. You want invaders to have more rights than American citizens. Doubtless you'll be happy to know that the Schumer-Rubio S. 744 National Suicide Over-Immigration/Amnesty bill also exempts the invaders from ObamaCare, which gives them a huge competitive advantage in the labor market.

    What's worse than the 'Good Germans' you profess to despise, were the collaborators and those councils of Jewish Elders who betrayed their own people on behalf of the Good and Bad Germans.



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