Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Forbidden Speech

The boy was questioned by the principal and a sheriff's deputy, who also wanted to search the family home without a warrant, Henkelman said. [More]
Of course he was. And of course they did.

Keep messing with young minds like this, keep bullying and giving cause to hate the tormenters and everything they stand for, add some drugs into the mix for those square pegs who don't pound neatly into round holes, and I'm actually surprised more don't snap after years of being subjected to bureaucratic authoritarian domination.


  1. They keep making the case for home schooling. I see a very large lawsuit in the principals future. The father should sue the principal personally so it comes out of his paycheck.

    If I had school age children, they would never set foot in a public school. They wouldn't need to be exposed to the absolute stupidity that is public miseducation.

  2. One reason why the US military was respected and feared is so many of its members grew up shooting guns. The "progressives" seem to think that after years of programming fear of weapons into kids, at age 18 they can go into the military and carry out the progs' fantasies of bringing democracy to some dusty God-forsaken place that's never had an election.


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