Thursday, June 20, 2013

Putting the Hammer Down

“They will not be able to purchase a gun until they have been treated, and a psychiatrist says they need relief from disability,” said Hammer. [More]
OK, and I assume you've identified a statewide list of psychiatrists who will go on record saying they'll be willing to do this, their risk management folks are OK with this, and their malpractice insurance providers are all on board with it?

Have you, Marion?  Will you share what you've got on that with us? And what this is likely to cost, and what inequities in access to justice will arise from that?

This whole mental health blanket dragnet business will indeed prove the devil is in the details.


  1. So much for Hammer being a friend of the 2nd Amendment.

  2. What happens when they figure out that if you are not competent enough to keep and bear firearms then you are not competent enough to vote or serve on a jury?

    Most jury trials appear to be decided by the most uninformed people that the courts can find - uninformed or bald-faced liars.,0,3857188.story

  3. Clearly a violation of the ADA.

  4. Hammer was never was the sharpest tool. If NRA & SAF were the only two groups out there, our rights would be long gone. Both sold out on these issues long ago, but were force to back off this last time by GOA and other groups.


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