Friday, June 07, 2013

"Thank You, Your Vote Has Been Counted"

Now you go do it, too. [More]

And tell at least 10 friends.


  1. Made the call.

  2. Done.

    William T.

  3. Thank you, gentlemen. Like it or not, your action here proves you to be our leaders. That something this easy is requested and that this blog alone doesn't have a thousand comments indicating "Done" points to the biggest weakness of the so-called "gun rights movement"-- Profiles in Apathy. The lazy welfare parasites--and that's what they are--allegedly on "our side" who don't lift a finger and let everyone else carry the load are more deserving of contempt than the outright foolish antis.

    Why there isn't a 5 million member GOA and SAF/CCRKBA, and a 20 million member NRA directly correlates to why "gun control" is still on the political table. We could have the 2nd A secured TOMORROW if the do-nothings would get off their useless asses and join us in putting shoulder to wheel.


  4. Done

    Fight islam Now


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