Wednesday, July 10, 2013

First Connecticut Gun Owners Break Ranks to Surrender to Tyranny

The state police have received their first applications from Connecticut residents seeking to register assault weapons... [More]
Way to surrender--not just your birthright, but your children's.  Why the HELL do you think they demand you register?

There is another way, you know.

I don't suppose there's any chance the evil bastards could be flooded with these, instead?


  1. I watched the video yesterday of the guy getting people to sign a petition to repeal the BOR. This is the same thing. People lining up to give away their rights.

    I like the idea of printing out their form and affixing a sticker to it and sending it in. I think I have some of those around here. I also have a few Gadsden (sp) stickers.

  2. your advice is that i break the law?

    any other laws you dont agree with? i am in my 30's, social security won't work for me, should i not pay my taxes?

    should i not register my cars and still drive them around?

  3. I'm not going to give you any advice at all. I included a link in this post to what I did when faced with the same choice.

  4. I don't think anyone is asking you to break any laws, right? The idea is to do everything within your power to force your reps to change the laws, to return your state to it's lawful, constitutional condition. Sitting there and just fuming about it is not going to do anything. I know because that is what I used to do for years. Nothing. Yell at the TV and get into arguments with my wife because she hated seeing me so angry over the loss of our freedoms and liberties. The only cure for the evil, and yes it is an evil, that is creeping across our nation is action. Not illegal action or armed revolution, we don't have to do that now. 237 years ago a bunch of guys fought and died for eight long bloody years so that we would not have to resort to armed conflict to right wrongs in our nation again. All it requires is for every man who is dissatisfied with the loss of our freedoms and liberties to become a man of action. You do not have to stand in ranks and be shot on the green of your own city park, you just have to pick something and start doing it. Sending the application back with a sticker on it might be one way, or you might find a better way with ten minutes of thought. But you have to do something. Find other folks to become candidates to represent you in your government and get them elected, burn up the phone lines to your reps, organize protests, but you have to do something. The saying "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" is more than just a cliche, and it is the complete reason we are in the fix we are in today. All the good folks always think that there is no way that something so wrong or so illegal or so unconstitutional will ever pass or succeed, and when it does, because they just sit there sure in their beliefs a law or bill would fail, they are mystified and amazed. I wish it was easier to get folks excited about the dangers we face. Our nation is under assault today, just as surely as if 60,000 screaming Jihadists had come ashore on the east coast in the belly of a converted supertanker. Spilling out onto our shores and raiding and shooting and pillaging. And if that were the case, it would be easy to get folks excited and roused out of their slumber, to organize themselves by the tens of thousands, by the millions, and defend the country. AN obvious enemy with a difficult, but obvious answer. But it is just not as dramatic as the screaming Jihadists. It is more like an assault of rust. Rust that is eating away at our nation and destroying it from the inside, under the paint, inside the concrete. The rust will bring down our bridges and buildings and the whole nation, just as sure as the Jihadists with grenades and RPGs, only not as fast or dramatic. And rust is not something you can easily get folks motivated to fight against. Rust is slow, sure, but slow. There is always tomorrow to combat rust. Or next week, maybe. Or even next year, I mean, the rust is not going anywhere right? :)

  5. There's something else that I have noticed going on and that is the diffusion of resources. I get several political news stories via the internet and now by mail too. ALL of them are asking me for money money and more money. It's not enough to sign a petition, they want you to sign every petition they have and give give give. I've given till I'm blue in the face and still keep reading how much they need money. When asked, I get no answer on how they are spending it. I don't know how and they don't tell. I wish there were ONE single entity out there that would combine the efforts of all the right wing organizations and be the stopping force!!

  6. BattleRoadUSA:

    Putting a sticker on the app and mailing it in conflicts with your contention that the time is not ripe for "illegal action."

    I think in your heart you know that what you are calling a "man of action" is more than a man with a keyboard.

    If you want "shall not be infringed" to be the law of the land, the courts aren't going to give it to you (see the Heller decision) and Congress isn't going to suddenly repeal a gun law (it's literally never happened).

    Ballots and letters may have worked at some point in times past, but in 2013 and beyond they are as effective as the paint on your rust: it'll cover it up and make you feel good but the rust will ignore you and keep eating.

  7. You have the answer within your heat and already know what you should do because you already do it daily on a different level, you only need to increase your liberty..

    Yank lll


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