Thursday, July 11, 2013


Anyone caught engaging in violence against a government official is kidding himself if he believes his actions will inspire the anti-government crowd to bear arms and take to the streets. The British didn’t have tanks, planes, rocket launchers, drones and poisonous gas when the colonists rebelled. The power elite that now rules America has all of these weapons – and more – at its disposal. [More]
Note he doesn't tell us how those would be used without collateral damage to vast portions of the general population.

I think what he's saying is he personally has no line in the sand.

With the Profiles in Apathy I see all around, leading to attempt after attempt failing due to Molon Labia gun owners not even lifting a finger when a righteous plea for easy help is made, I wonder increasingly how many do.


  1. You and me both. I really like the ones that show up after the heavy lifting is done to announce "look what we did". We have some of those in the local GRO.

    People like this guy lose the argument as soon as they start talking about missiles and nukes. The government is smart enough to know that with 1 nuke detonation, they will have lost and might as well vaporize the rest of the nation.

    I have a line that I drew in response to one of the registers gun hating screeds;

    "Common Sense" and "Reasonable" are code words the gun haters that mean they want to win on their terms. Well, too bad. I'm not going to argue with a bunch of gun hating idiots anymore. Here is my line in the sand. I will not register any gun I own. I will not turn in any gun I own. I will not be a sheep lead to a boxcar ride. (Look it up, history repeats). If you want my guns, come get them. I'm tired and don''t really give a shit anymore. I would much rather die in the middle of my street, shot by a government thug, than to stand next to a open pit and be shot in the back of the head by a government thug.

    Damn, sometime I just have a way with words.

  2. What makes you think they give a damn about "collateral damage"? Do you REALLY think this is Viet Nam or Iraq or Afghanistan where they want to "win the hearts and minds of the people" and are willing to sacrifice their men to do so? Have you not learned from Ruby Ridge and Waco and the rest? Do you not yet understand that they don't give a damn WHO gets killed when they blast down a door at 2 AM and throw in a flash-bang? That they REALLY care what that grenade sets on fire? Have you not yet understood what "If they weren't associating with criminals, they would not have been harmed" really means? Do you think they did NOT learn from Sherman's march to the sea? Do you REALLY think the Media would question their story, no matter how incredible it was?

    When will you learn?

  3. 'Profiles in Apathy'...nice, I'll use it without attribution.

  4. Any belief in the restraint of Leviathan may well be misplaced. Therefore every free person has a choice to make, either:
    1) 'Crouch down and lick the hand that beats you and may posterity forget you were ever our comrade.
    2) Make the game worth the candle.

    To those that choose option 1, for whatever love of liberty that may have burned in your breast, give over your arms to a true patriot and render them not unto the usurper.
    To those that join me in availing ourselves of the second, the Geneva Convention does NOT apply in purely internal disorder and we as private citizens are neither protected by nor signatories to it. So it they choose to 'pull the trigger' on this incipient insurrection, the 'Cry Havoc! and let slip the dogs of war'


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