Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Oath Keepers campaign supports Snowden, whistleblowers

“If we wake up enough Americans, especially in the military, it is possible to have an American counterpart to what happened in East Germany in 1989 when the East German military refused to crack down on the peaceful protesters, and without the support of the Army, the Communist Party and the Stasi secret police were done,” Rhodes recalled. [More] 
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a series of targeted messages that could end up with some targeted messengers...


  1. I'm all for whistle blowing, particularly when it uncovers egregious violations of privacy by the state. However, in the tradition of civil disobedience, one must stand up to tyranny directly and accept the consequences of ones actions. What I don't approve of is running away and seeking asylum in countries who are enemies of freedom, and making them look like the heroes. Snowden as far as I'm concerned is not a hero, but an egotistical brat looking for attention from the wrong places.

  2. So you prefer the way the Fast and Furious whistleblowers have been dealt with? And do you understand that, as a contractor, he HAS no "whistleblower" protection? You are one of the many reasons I will be glad to see this country's "Law Enforcement" burning in hell where they belong as soon as possible. Snowden is one of the very FEW in this entire government who has actually HONORED their very oath of office to the Constitution, and you and yours would have him at the mercy of the God damned traitors.

  3. Um, in case you hadn't noticed, Chris, the USA is *not* a friend of freedom.

    Not everyone agrees with Henry David Thoreau.

  4. Woah Mark. Like I said I think the action he took of releasing the documents was great. I think it's bogus however to then run to the likes of Venquela and Russia. Be careful who you call a hero today, when its very likely he will be running around the beaches of Venequela wearing a Che shirt tomorrow. We may have our issues here, but ill be damned if I support someone seeking protection from our enemies.


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