Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

I'm surprised Heidi Yewman didn't just leave her gun on the ground at a playground to "prove" the "point" she's been trying to make with her pointless public exercise in ignorance, irresponsibility and irrationality. [More]


  1. "A gun in a home is 43 times more likely to be used to kill a family member than kill someone in self-defense".

    Kellerman? Really? The most quoted and debunked study ever? Liberal gun haters crack me up. They latch on to crap like that and hang on like a pitbull with a ham bone. She should have gotten proper training in at least the basics.

    I like the part about getting shot in the leg in a car accident. When I'm in the car, my seat belt isn't touching my gun and the muzzle isn't pointed anywhere but the floor. Sometimes I'm just amazed how their minds work.

  2. OMG! That teenager could have gotten that purse, taken the car keys, taken her car, and then run over a playground full of young children after running over a group of nuns walking to chapel for vespers while wearing her makeup!


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