Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Truth in Comedy

This is just so right, it's unbelievable it came out of Hollywood.

[Via Ed D]


  1. Well I doubt somewhat that Hollywood is truly willing to claim Mad TV as their own. Any more than they are willing to claim certain actors or directors, no matter HOW GOOD their works.

  2. Uh... If the purse is snatched from her like in the first demonstration, the woman will be unable to retrieve it like in the last demonstration. The thief has your cash, credit cards, drivers license, weapon and makeup!

    Small, little detail.

  3. That is what passes for funny to a nest of Liberals? It was so stupid it was unwatchable.

  4. I hate to tell you this, Longbow, but the video validates what a crock of shit the "self-defense" training preferred by Proglodytes really is worth. And it shows that a gun is a great equalizer. Now indeed their handling of that gun does bring to mind the recent Ms. Magazine farce, but even there they do not appear to be as foolishly scared as THAT writer was. But then maybe I'm just too dense and they're working their skit on a whole different plane from what I see.

  5. "Martial arts" style self defense training is far from useless, as long as you find a good instructor who is willing to do realistic training. That being said, it's only one layer in a well planned defense, and should be thought of as primarily being useful in the areas of weapon retention, or in creating space to draw a weapon or flee.
    Remember, unlike today back when martial arts were front line techniques, weapon training was the primary focus. It's only in more modern times that weapon skills have been pushed to the side, or totally banished.
    It fits the liberal mindset of "empowerment" to give people some small measure of unrealistic training, which then results in a false sense of confidence. the same could be said though of putting a firearm in untrained hands.
    Most people in the modern age simply do not have the time or money to put into good training, and really, no reason to do so, since it's so unlikely that they will actually need it.

  6. Carrying a gun deludes most men and women into thinking they can defend against muggers and such. But, try drawing your gun while mounted by someone 100lbs heavier and who's hitting your face with elbows and fists. Likewise, try to draw when someone is choking you from behind.

    Experience the horror of not being able to breathe and not being able to reach your gun and then, maybe you have a picture of true reality.


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