Monday, August 19, 2013

Bulletproof whiteboards a comic book denial of ‘gun free zone’ realities

The reality is, anyone attempting to stop determined armed attackers holding up a whiteboard is relying on comic book superhero fantasies such as Wonder Woman’s bullet-deflecting bracelets combined with the speed of the Flash. [More] 
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the danger in making real life rules based on fantastic fiction. That supposed adults operate under such childish assumptions to deny the rights of those who do not makes this all the more outlandish and offensive.


  1. Not quite the comic book stuff of Wonder Woman, as it is a large body covering shield, something like those riot police use. But without return fire, the madman can simply walk up to the shield and shoot around it, so it is of limited use.

  2. All you need is a sticker of a slashed red circle over a pistol and the words "No Weapons Allowed" to keep them out - just like the barns with the hex signs in the shape of a swastika kept out evil.

    Isn't it all "magical thinking"?


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