Friday, August 23, 2013

Fundraiser to be held tomorrow for oath-keeping Florida sheriff

As a result, Finch is facing felony charges with no income with which he can support his family, which includes two special needs children, or to defend himself, a situation Gun Rights Examiner readers will recognize as the same tactic the government is using to break down the defenses of the Reese family. [More]

Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report addresses a frequent criticism/complaint I hear about Oath Keepers supposedly not interposing themselves in situations where their decisions can make a difference – here is one who did, and he’s being hung out to dry. Now it’s time for those critics to step forward and interpose themselves into this situation -- provided they’re not just a bunch of all-talk hypocrites who demand others do what they will not.


  1. I donated but must point out Sheriff Finch is not an Rhodes "Oath Keeper"...which might explain why he actually did something.

    I stand behind my frequent criticism of Oath Keepers as a bunch of do-nothing talkers that wouldn't stand up to tyranny if tyranny sat down.

    They have the weapons, training, and potential to end the present police state, but instead, to a man, they choose to collect their $ and enforce laws that plainly contradict the Constitution.

    Rhodes should be embarrassed to show his face tomorrow.

  2. militialaw, thank you for showing leadership in this. As for your critique, I know Stewart, he is a close personal friend and I can tell you from personal interactions that the general public has no idea the passion and integrity of the man and the personal sacrifices he has made and continues to make. It's late and I don't have time tonight to go into a detailed exposition of the value of the groundwork he and his team have laid and the potential it can reap when the S truly does HTF. For now, my trust, and I do not give it casually or without cause, is that the phase we are now in makes the timely educating of a critical mass, particularly in the military, but also in the LEO community, the invaluable priority, and this is borne out in part by the reaction of the PTB discourage to the education message OK brings (I came across a military training PDF that takes its cues from SPLC that I believe is directly aimed at squelching such influence under the allegation of extremism--can't find the link at the moment)

    If you are looking for overt examples, not all of the interpositions that have been made on an individual basis are--or can be--known at this time, and may never be known--to do so would remove valuable allies from being able to do so and to influence their peers. Also bear in mind that not all forces and units have OKs, and individual members are probably not on scene to alter most of the outrages we hear about.

    I wold ask anyone critical or impatient to see more concrete examples to look at what we see with Finch, to see how the establishment will demonize and hang such people, and then to ask themselves exactly what it is that they have done overtly and risked, to note how mounting a defense depends on obscure bloggers like me begging people who, by and large, don't even share links or send emails, let alone contribute, as you have done. And ditto for "complainers" and whistleblowers, as anyone who has followed F&F and other govt. obscenities can see for themselves. Getting canned and/or prosecuted will do no one any good, and sometimes, embedded resources just need to keep their heads down as a matter of living to fight another day.

    I guess I'll need to find time to address this soon, but I also guess if this does not give you pause, I don't really have much more to throw at it except my personal belief, which if you know anything about me and my work, you'd know does not come from a place of blind faith.

  3. Thank you for your reply Mr. Codrea. I guess we will just agree to disagree on what phase America is currently in. I quit my job as a prosecutor several years ago after I "woke up" and finally realized I was a part of the machinery that was grinding up the Constitution, or at least what was left of it by the time I swore my oath to it. Thinking "just following orders" as I took pleas to crimes that never should be crimes could not assuage my conscience. Plus, I'm pretty sure "just following orders" wouldn't fly at my "People's Constitutional Crime Tribunal" trial (or whatever it will be called) following the inevitable civil war. Emphasis on "inevitable."

    Anyone that thinks we are going to vote our way out the current state of the union, or sue our way out of it, is deluded or naïve. Sheriff Finch is exhibit B to that assertion and what happened to Watertown this year is exhibit A. The stories you document on your blog, standing alone, is enough to indict the whole system as a failure.

    How many more Ron Pauls have to be intentionally shut out of the election process and how many more Black Panthers have to be set free and how many more ACORNS need to be shut down, before we wake up to the fact the election process has been compromised? How many more WW2 vets have to beanbagged to death for contempt of cop? How many citizens have to be dragged down stairs onto a coma? How many more court decisions finding "shall not be infringed" actually means "reasonable restrictions are lawful" before the 3% realize salvation does not lie in the courts? How many more internal checkpoints between California and Texas have to be put in place and how many more Watertowns need to occur?

    Having OK wait until they openly start rounding us up seems like a plan doomed to fail, or at best, be superfluous as the rest of us will have already mobilized after the first cattle car has been spotted.

    In addition, saying we just need to educate the masses or most of the sheepdogs, is a pointless exercise in going along to get along. There will never be a majority of .mil/LEOS who hold the Constitution sacred, let alone a plurality. History teaches us that revolutions, both peaceful and violent, are brought about by a small minority whose will exceeds their numbers. To use a recent example: does anyone think that 51% of Egyptians turned out to Tahir Square? In fact, the current American rallying call of "3%" is a manifestation of the recognition that repair of the current breech will not fall to an overwhelming majority of Americans.

    I got out when I did because it is evident that no one, nowhere, can change the beast from the inside so that effort is also doomed. When Fast and Furious was broken wide open by you and Mr. Vanderboegh, due to some level of inside help, did the whistleblowers get a handshake and word of appreciation? BATFE didn't change one iota. Even if an organization could slide a Minuteman into the chief role, for every such success there will be 100 (maybe a 1,000) that remain committed to the regime. The crown will always have the numerical superiority.

    Hence my frustration at OK. They are the "only ones" to borrow your catch phrase that have a snowballs chance of succeeding. A very small contingent of motivated "operators" could arrest and then try the 546 DC agents for crimes against the Constitution. We are not talking about a violent overthrow the US. That is way, way down the line of needed activity. We are talking about enforcing the laws on the books…the politically correct method of law enforcement supported by DC. If a special forces team leader or a police watch commander took a look at 18 USC 242…oh the joy he could bring to the land.

    OK needs to cross the Rubicon because, lets face it, its not going to make things any worse.

  4. Later today I'm going to post your last comment as a separate blog because very few come back to old posts to read comments and I think the points you raise have broader considerations that need to be discussed.


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