Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Yesterday's News

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Dave Workman broke this a week ago.

I noticed some ProgsTM [prag blogs  :-)] talking about this over the past few days, and not a one of them would link to his article, although the blog they sourced did.

Mark Walters and I have a running joke about all the stories I post that we talk about, only to see a lag on Drudge of a few days until a "name" presents it as a newsworthy scoop.

It's unfair. And it does nothing but take the wind out of the sails of those doing the digging to unearth these gems. That's why I pointed it out.

1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe that idiot Bedard gets more attention than you, Workman, Mike, etc. Bedard is the clown who "broke" the story last week that the Earth was almost hit by a "Carrington class solar flare" in July. Except that it never happened. Not "the flare missed"; but that there was never a flare or CME of significant magnitude at all in July, pointed at Earth or otherwise (there was one low end M class flare that month; a "Carrington event" would have to be a very high end X class). He knows it. He's been given source data on solar activity. But he doesn't have the honesty to back off and issue a correction.

    Bedard "publicizing" the playbook is only going to taint and dilute the real message. Ghue forbid that Drudge and the lamestream muddia go to someone with a proven track record of getting things right... with documentation.


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