Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pushing control instead of freedom may explain some of paper’s losses

Don’t look for such critical thinking or ability for introspection among the dinosaurs lumbering about the board room of The Plain Dealer. Any bets that they, and editorial sauropods like Brent Larkin, won’t go extinct long before the demand for freedom does? [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner forensic dig notes a self-created extinction event in the making. Care to smash a few dinosaur eggs and help it along?


  1. Attended (most of) GRPC in Houston this weekend.

    We are the dinosaurs, grey hair or no hair dominates the demographic.

    Despite a few 'wins' for our side, we are not winning liberty oriented youth, if there is such a thing.

    Oh yeah, screw the 'Plain' Dealer.

    1. Check out a Ron Paul affiliated rally and you will be shocked at how young the kids are and how many are not white. Virtually all Paul supporters are pro gun rights, too. And Paul is HUGE with people under 30. He drew 8k at ucla, 9k at Berkeley, 5k at Texas a&m, 6k at Michigan state, etc. half of all primary and caucus voters in Iowa and New Hampshire voted for Ron Paul according to exit polling.

      And his big push for a home schooling movement now will only guarantee the trend continues, which is why pro gunners should be urging friends and family to home school to opt out of state indoctrination.

  2. That just speaks to the GRPC demographic--it's geared toward the mature. I noticed a lot more young people at the NRA Annual meeting. You are right in as far as Tea Party type events I have attended, but I'm not discouraged because when I started getting involved, I was in my mid-30s and most were my age or older in the NRA Members Council I joined. Wait a few decades as the upcoming generation starts realizing how screwed they are and how badly they've been lied to--and never let defeatism allow you to give up.

    1. Wasn't there a poll that freaked out the gun banners showing 60 percent of college age kids planned on buying a gun? Btw, I made the above post about Ron Paul and am in the young demographic. I read this site, sipsey street, lew Rockwell, Tom woods, and economic policy journal every day. A lot of the youth are libertarian, thanks to Ron Paul. Things are much, much better than you can imagine for the younger people being pro gun. I would wager they are the most pro gun in decades for this age group based around the Internet.


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