Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I Took the One Less Traveled By

You gotta be f'n kiddin' me.
Look, I understand you people have to raise money, but this is just plain offensive on so many levels, not the least being what it reveals about how you think of your membership--and the problem is, based on results, you're probably not all that wrong about a critical mass of them.

As for those "vital NRA programs" this will support, does that include helping your "Only Ones" Division achieve its "one goal" in places like New York and California?

I got another ad just yesterday (no, not the club pitch) from my old buddy the Vulcan Chessmaster, where he actually said...well here, see for yourself:
No, you might lose yours, but some gun owners are pretty serious about hearts actually stopping beating before that will happen to them.

We get that you need money for outreach, education, growth, programs, politics and court. But enough with the breathless hyperbole that treats your members like idiot ATM machines.  Have you considered approaching them like they're adults who value principles and sincerity, from whom you might be able to learn a thing or two?


  1. Have they truly put all they can toward getting voters active when it counts, a la the Colorado recalls?

    It seems to me, the NRA wouldn't have to spend so much time, money, and energy fighting bad laws in court, IF the membership could get out the votes and not have those laws passed in the first place.

    Just sayin'.

  2. "Have you considered approaching them like they're adults who value principles and sincerity, from whom you might be able to learn a thing or two? "

    Are you kidding me? Of course not. And if any other outfit had an even halfway decent training program, the NRA would never get another dime out of me. And by that I mean membership and training materials, not "donations" to their political arm.


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