Thursday, September 26, 2013

You Like Me. You Really Like Me!

Who'da thunk?

Wonder what they're thinking...?


  1. They aren't thinking. That was a bot.

  2. I don't believe so--I've sent them plenty of stuff and never gotten a response--and this was not just a reply or a retweet, is was a favorite.

  3. That's the standard sign of a Twitterbot (you'll see 'em on Facebook, too). The program just looks for mention of the ATF and favorites it or posts a very vague "thanks for the mention" reply. routinely posts some of the funnier examples of Twitter and FB bots (Burger King is another outfit that needs to tweak their bot parameters).

    Or someone hacked the ATFHQ account; possibly an NSA sysadmen with a sense of humor. [grin]

  4. Maybe it helped divert attention from all those millions of missing cigarettes?

  5. Huh--learn something new every day...

  6. It's okay, Dave - WE still like you!

  7. Regarding "What were they thinking?"

    I once remarked to a friend of mine when we were observing the antics of his toddler child, "I wonder what is running through her mind?". He immediately responded with dread and terror in his voice, "No, you don't really want to know what is running through her mind."


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