Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Some Say Ol' Remus is a Child-Molesting Racist Junkie Working for the Feds

...others say Oath Keepers was a sting from the beginning and this is the throw of a wider net. As always, half of what we hear is disinformation, we just don't know which half...This startling move by the Oath Keepers may be what it appears to be, or it may be a secret provision of the Patriot Act. After all, no competent tyranny lets their opposition run the opposition. [More]
So, Ol' Remus: Have you stopped beating your sex slave son long enough to cash your government check?

See how easy that was?

You pass along unsubstantiated allegations, made solely by those with an axe to grind, smearing the work, the motivations and the character of others with absolutely no evidence?

And you fling you feces from behind a mask, right down to proxy registration?

I have no problem with internet anonymity--until such time as those sniping from the shadows call the reputations of real people who stand behind their brand names into question.  At that point, if you're not willing to step forward so we can weigh what your skin in the game is, the one who should be distrusted becomes you.

UPDATE: An Unwarranted Response?


  1. Don't make me stop this car...

  2. Slobyskysa Rotchikokov10/08/2013 4:35 PM

    I was puzzled by the sentences in question because - perhaps I am simply naive - it had never even occurred to me that OK was anything other than what it purported to be. I have supported the OK in the past and the present, financially and otherwise. Why anyone would suggest a 'sting' is quite beyond me unless the person is paranoid beyond limits.

  3. Nothing wrong with anon registration -- I do it myself, to cut down on spam.

  4. One word Dave, "Stasi ".

  5. It's almost as though you never read or no nothing about the Woodpile report. Your over reaction was unsupportable by the facts. You took a shot in the dark and hit a friend.

  6. "Know." What he's done before or since is not the issue here.

  7. Yeah, have to agree that you over reacted, Codrea. The Woodpile Report is good honest reading. And it always pays to be paranoid. I always liked the idea of OK, but it never occurred to me that it might be a means to an end for those we oppose. Or at the least, be used that way. But our opponents aren't stupid, just evil. If we can't accept the idea that they may have found a way to use it against use, we aren't earning our pay. You should apologize. Always sad to see in-fighting in the cause.

  8. Mr. Codrea,

    Your response to the Oath Keepers article at the Woodpile Report was not only unwarranted, but childish and needlessly vulgar as well. Ol' Remus only pointed out the fact that it would be unwise to blindly trust the Oath Keepers and that we would know what they were about after seeing and understanding their actions. Given the information that is available to the common man at this point in time, how could you argue? How would that be considered "smearing the work, the motivations and the character of others with absolutely no evidence"? Ol' Remus didn't "smear" anyone! He merely reminded his readers to be informed before taking a position! I, like many other readers of the Woodpile Report, don't know Stewart Rhodes. Never met the guy. He could be a man deserving of the keys to the city or his traits (and those of the organization) could run parallel to the filth printed in your article. You, Mr. Codrea, aren't exactly a strong endorsement for the Oath Keepers or Mr. Rhodes.

  9. Gentlemen,
    We have before us a potentially grim and grinding fight. Mr. Codrea, Mr.Rhodes and the Oath Keepers, and Mr. Vanderboegh have been sources of clarity and inspiration to me in these times. Likewise Ol' Remus. Manly pride and honor require a certain degree of prickliness and mutual respect, but we can ill afford to let ego and grudge-holding blind us to our patriotic duties. We stand in the shadow of financial peril and tyrannical forces who embrace that old devil Marxism...they wield immense power. These foes are existential enemies of America, individual sovereignty, civil society...yes,liberty itself. So please, square your shoulders, spit on your palms, be generous to comrades-in-arms and shake hands. In short order brothers, it's likely to be All-Hands-On-Deck...I'm counting on you.


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