Friday, November 15, 2013

A Serious Threat?

Blogger threatened with 10-year prison sentence for posting public official’s phone number...[More]
So if I cut and paste the information or produce a screenshot from this public document, paid for with tax money and even downloadable, I could be threatened with 10 years in the slammer?

I don't believe it. This I've gotta see for myself.
Anybody feel some kind of Streisand Effect or something going on here...?

So you mean to tell me if I put  angelene f. richardson 617-343-4500 into the Google search bar, that those responsible for all the results that turn up will also be subject to such a threat, including the City of Boston? And they'd send guys with guns to haul the ones who survived the jackboot encounter away?

Really?  That's horrible. That sounds like something out of Stalinist Russia.

Or Beantown. The Mumbles Administration 'n all...

Hey, nice jersey...

[Via Florida Guy]


  1. Your public document link returns a 404 file not found. Guess they found the leak.

  2. They changed the url. So I did, too...:-)

    Gosh, I hope they don't threaten ME now...


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