Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Am I Missing Something?

Why would a professional chef and writer spell "chili" that way?  Is there some kind of inside Bourdain baseball I'm not aware of? [More]

I guess Merriam Webster lists it as a variant and that's the way the Spanish spell it, so is it some sign of cultural deference (not to mention prepping us to be "Blade Runner" polyglots)? If that's the case, why don't we all adopt the Nahuatl "chīlli"? Do they teach the alternative at "progressive" chef school?  Do all the right recipes and menus spell it that way? Shucks. I'm just from Ohio, and all the Hormel cans at the Acme spell it with an "i," albeit the world maps we use here do spell the country name with an "e" (it's right there on my Rand McNally globe with the raised relief that lets you feel the mountain ranges).

Seems kind of pretentious, but then, I never claimed to be a New York sophisticate.

What I do claim to be is someone with rights, so Anthony saying he needs to know more about me before he thinks I should have a gun is a non-starter, no matter how "reasonable" he thinks he's being here, and no matter how many useful idiots believe he's offering them progress (he is, but it's the kind I always put quotation marks around).

Newsflash: Some of us aren't interested in Anthony's "middle ground." Just like we aren't interested in any "third way" or "reasonable regulations" or "common sense gun safety laws" or any of the other repackaged lies designed to make citizen disarmament seem more palatable for the gullible to swallow.

The answer is "No."  Especially for self-admitted national socialists.

You want to find some middle ground, Anthony, there are plenty of mass graves you can start digging at.

Otherwise, shut up and cook.


  1. Who the Hell is this pretentious New York hash slinger?


  2. David - I grew up in New Mexico. Green chile or chili is spelled interchangeably there, by New Mexico Gringos and Latinos.

    IMO, his being a "chef" doesn't make this effete douch-nozzle an expert on either guns or New Mexico Green Chile.

    Just another NY pussy, as far as I'm concerned.

  3. Tell Mr. B. we have 'no reservations' for him here.


  4. It's a New Mexico thing, David. Not a New York thing. I'm an Idaho boy, born and bred but I did move my family down to Albuquerque for a year and a half. The green chile culture is proudly New Mexican. It refers to the fruit of the chiles grown down around Hatch. In fact it is hard to find a bowl of Texas style chili in the state, New Mexico chile is more like a beanless stew swimming with green chiles. Different, but good stuff. Bourdain ain't worth much, but I don't think you should fault him for the chile remark. Kind regards,
    AJ Kurpjuweit

  5. I would guess he is talking about the actual pepper, not the dish. New Mexico is well known in cooking circles for Red and Green Chilie peppers. Maybe using "Green Chilie" to refer to being in New Mexico?

  6. Chile is the pepper. Chili is the dish made with the chile pepper.

    The world renowned experts should know how to spell it:

    Problem solved.

  7. AJ, wasn't faulting him for that, was doing a little tongue-in-cheek to show as much incompetence in his realm as he does in ours.

  8. Regarding "chile" vs. "chili"

    Regarding Bourdain:
    Bourdain said "You, however, I’m not so sure about. And my next door neighbor. I’m not so sure about him either." People who do not trust themselves have great difficulties trusting others, hence their desire to impose some form of "control" or the illusion of control. The truth is that you cannot control others, so to keep your sanity you must trust them until they show that they cannot control themselves, and then you deal with it. Trust me.


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