Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Force Multipliers Wanted: Inquire Within

I need for everyone who regularly visits WarOnGuns to visit and share my Gun Rights Examiner links. I don't ask for tips and I don't ask for donations. I don't send out fundraising emails to any list. This I do ask for.

While I'm sure some return visitors are hostile, wouldn't mind me starving and just want to keep an eye on things, I figure I'm safe assuming the vast majority of you who come here regularly do so because you get value from the work -- otherwise, why would you keep returning? This is addressed to you whom that assumption applies to.  The rest of you can leave.

If you're worried about stupid Examiner pop-ups, you can't be safely on the internet anyway if you don't know how to install a blocker add-on. So consider this the right prod to make your experience better on all kinds of websites, because sites like WND and The Blaze, etc., also inundate those who allow it. Practice safe surfing.

One other thing, as long as I'm bending your ear.  I sometimes find blogs, websites and forums repro'ing entire articles. That kills me and the other guys like Kurt and Dave, because we get compensated based on page views, and if someone can read the work somewhere else, there is no reason to read it where we get paid for it. We welcome links to our work, and even a representative sample teaser paragraph, but please...don't post the whole thing.

If you believe the work we do is unique, if you get information you don't readily find (or find at all) anywhere else, if you get value from it, and if you agree that our contributions merit sustenance, you won't just ignore this.  If you come here daily, you'll realize that our ability to continue to bring this information is predicated on being able to get by, and you'll regularly take a moment to help out.

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