Friday, November 01, 2013

Meanwhile, Over at the Gun-Free Zone in the #1 Brady-Rated State...

Nahhh... [More]

Besides, the news just said "high powered rifle," and if that means what I think it does, those guns are banned.

Be interesting to see what we find out about the shooter(s)...

At least our heroic protectors have their priorities in order...


  1. Fox is reporting shooter is current or former TSA employee.

  2. Current red letter headline atop Drudge claims shooter was off duty TSA.

  3. Patrick Gannon, LAPD Polie Chief: "Individual pulled an ASSAULT RIFLE from a bag".

    Of course...

  4. "and if that means what I think it does, those guns are banned."

    Was exactly my first thought upon hearing that it was one of those rifles.

  5. Here in that "gun-free utopia" called the PDRK, this is unpossible. This didn't happen. If it did, it's a government set-up.

  6. Taking lots of crap since yesterday over the shooting at LAX.

    I hate to admit that I am happy that a person went hunting for homeland security "people". seems like, as with Chris Dorner, no one had much to fear UNLESS they were wearing the uniform.

    It seems to me that if the German people had hunted down the first brown shirts and their families hitler would not have risen to power. Twenty million people may have died another day.

    I am also very disturbed by the common argument that I get from younger people that this tsa agent that was killed may have been a great guy that just needed a job and did not deserve to be killed - like saying you can be a good Nazi - just needed a job, just wanted to feed his family, wasn't really a Nazi, just worked for them.......blah, blah, blah

    IF YOU PUT ON THE UNIFORM YOU ARE A NAZI - There were no "good nazis'" and there are no good persons working at "homeland security" to protect Americans from what's coming. IN FACT - They are what's coming.

    For what it's worth and without apology

    Fight islam Now

  7. Now we learn that the "shooter" of the "assault rifle was living in Los Angles, and previously live in New Jersey.

    How the heck did he obtain an "assault rifle" with all those "30 round clips?"

    Can't have happened. There are laws against that.


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