Wednesday, November 20, 2013

We're the Only Ones Uncharged Enough

Farmer was Sierra’s third shooting in six months, yet the officer remained on the job. The video showed Farmer lying on the ground bleeding as Sierra shot three bullets into his back. An autopsy later determined those three shots in his back were the fatal wounds. [More]
Plus he'd been drinking and the cops delayed the breath test and ... forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

Huh, a spate...

What's that, "Think Progress"?  You still demand a monopoly of violence where government enforcers are the "Only Ones" trusted with guns? 

So why all the outrage?


  1. The problem isn't just that its Chi-town. The problem is the culture which nourishes a Gangster type mentality and grants functional immunity to members of the Gang. The phrase "State Sponsored Terrorism" comes to mind.

  2. 90% + of the shootings in Chicago are gang-related. Gangs have literally been part of city politics in Chi-town since before Capone. So natureally, to reduce the violence, Tiny Dancer (Raime Emanuael) will blame guns, not gangs.......


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