Tuesday, January 08, 2013


We ain't got no rules.

I don't have to show you any stinking rules!

Then again, maybe they do. [Read]

Nicely played, Mr. Klayman.

Five-Minute Activism

Kurt has a new column, about how "our 'men' in the gun ban camp," the hissy-fitters at CSGV, are trying to do a "grassroots" blitz against a politician who rejected demands for background checks as "extreme."

Here's the five-minute activism assignment for today:

Please read and share the link to Kurt's column, which contains contact info for Senator Heitkamp and do just that.

Come on. Five minutes.

Meanwhile, South of the Border, Down Mexico Way

A brutal pack of wild feral dogs is being blamed for mauling four people to death in a Mexico City park - including toddler who was found partially eaten and a young woman whose arm was torn off. [More]
Thank goodness no one was killed with a gun!

[Via DMJ. No animals were harmed in the production of this blog post.]

Poisoning Minds

Looks like someone on the Hill is not a Freedom Feens fan.  [More]

Keep that poison flowing, guys.

Dang it! I just scrolled down and saw that's the exact same thing Mama Liberty said to them!

Win Fabulous Prizes!

The Weapon Blog presents another month's list of gun-related contests. [Read]

Radio Flyers

Here are  my appearances over the past few days:
I was also on "Diggin' with Dayton" Saturday morning out of Panama City, FL, but they don't seem to have that archived.  Plus I have another gig lined up for tomorrow, but I'll post about that then.

Brady, The Next Generation

John Richardson says "You knew this was coming." [More]

Restoration, not Revolution

Then - and only at this point - what must take place is a restoration of Constitutional law and order. [More
Or as Mike says, "No Fort Sumters."

The true "American Revolution" wasn't the War of the Rebellion anyway.

NRA 'inhibiting' political agenda, not 'medical research'

And we've seen how media outlets stumping for "gun control" carry the administration's water and it's talking points, again, and again and again, In a further overt display of confidence and arrogance, the "Authorized Journalists" aren't even hiding the fact that Nancy Pelosi is feeding them the terms they will be coordinating on to create the sanctioned meme. All pretenses of impartiality, lack of bias, journalistic integrity, being a "free press" and guarding the public interest as"government watchdogs" have been cast aside as the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists proudly adopt the mantle of Official Propaganda Corps (just don't ask Obama to pronounce it), or more appropriately, Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda. [More] 
Today's Gun Rights Examiner rebuttal exposes sins of omission -- by the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists, and more insidiously, by apathetic gun owners who refuse to lift a finger, even now.

We're Number One!

California wants to keep its place as the #1 Brady Showpiece State. [Read

Take that, New Jersey and  Illinois!
[Via Dave Licht]

Another Gun Owner Map Published

This time in Texas. [More]

It reminds me of something I wrote a long time back in response to an anti saying they wanted to know who had guns: Assume we all do. And conduct yourself accordingly.

[Via Rick Oltman]

Death By a Thousand #Cuts

If #cutforbieber being a "trend" doesn't guarantee Western civilization's collapse, whatever will can't be all that far off. Perhaps the fact that there are Twitter "trends" to begin with?

Seriously? Girls cutting themselves because a teenybopper "idol" smoked pot? More seriously? Bleeding hearts chastising anyone making fun of that?

Meanwhile, setting religious sensibilities aside for a moment, the Caliphate setting up the occupation of Piersland would love to see more "men" like this.

Sure are a lot of MREs (Morons, Ready to Eat) out there.  I guess having a plethora of softer targets will encourage the jackals to deplete the supply before testing the resolve of the fortified.