Thursday, January 17, 2013

Another Tax Break for the Rich

Just to monkeywrench one collectivist meme with another, I'd like to see someone offer an amendment to require public tabulation of the demographics (race, sex, income, age, education, etc.) benefiting from this "tax credit." [Read]

[Via Vläd B]

Ain't It the Truth?

I've found the truth is generally elegantly to the point.  Like this.

I got this in an email so I don't know who to credit.

Old Blue, Is That You Boy?

Brian F heard my lament about no dog on the porch, so he added one:

Mom says I can keep him.

Now we'll just have to see if Humphrie the Carni-pig lets him live.

I'm Ba...ack

The service tech came out and hopefully figured out what kept making me lose internet connectivity--anyway, after being essentially grounded all day yesterday and most of the day before, I've got a lot of catch-up to do, so please hold off on comments and correspondence for at least another day. Chances are I'm going to have to just send most people emailing me this link so they know not to expect me to give them a tailored reply, I am that far behind the eight-ball on priorities.

Obama gun speech shows misdirection, desperation and weakness

These are the two major legal changes gun rights advocates must fight tooth and nail, and remind their representatives that they will not be scapegoated, and will revenge themselves at the polls on any politician who betrays them and the oath of office. Also among Obama’s legislative proposals is a plan to ban possession of currently owned militia-suitable ("armor piercing") ammunition.

But also representing a danger are the previously “under the radar” incursions that are now threatening to drop their payloads on strategic targets. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report picks apart what the Subversive-in-Chief said and wonders about what he didn't say.