Monday, January 28, 2013

Back with a Bang

From Andrea Shea King:
The Government is preparing for war with the people.
Obama's Soviet Style Plan to Destroy America.
China transferring debt into US property assets
I'm back with a BANG!
Tonight at 9p ET on The ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW

Crazy, Man!

Why blanket mental health dragnets are not the answer... [Read]

That's why we can't let the preemptive surrender monkeys offer this up as a sop to keep something else from happening.

More on that Litmus Test

Fascinating interview. [Watch]

I just spent the past 10 minutes (without any luck) seeing if I could find a top military guy who was on the board of Crisis Magazine to see if I could maybe figure out who Garrow's source is...

[Via Andrea Shea King]


Feinstein has assurance assault weapon ban will get a vote [More
Wait a minute--I thought that's why we were told Harry Reid was such a key player--to keep stuff like this off the floor... And she even thinks it's going to pass the Senate.

Note the "concession"?
Feinstein told CBS’ “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer that she had made a concession by not requiring that current owners of military-style weapons register their firearms. “I would like to see them all registered, but it’s not in our bill,” she said.
So no NFRTR/$200 transfer tax--this time.

It's still not up on THOMAS.  Looks like the draft I got is close, if not identical to what will be posted, because it doesn't have the registration requirement, either.


We're the Only Ones Planning for Posterity Enough

San Diego Police Chief: We Can Disarm Americans Within a Generation [More]
Hey, nobody wants to take your guns, paranoids.

Burn, Baby, Burn

Why does the term "flash mob" come to mind?  [More]

You Went Full Brock.

In anti-gun DC, Media Matters for America gave bodyguard illegal weapons to guard founder David Brock  [More]

Never go full Brock.

[Via Dave Licht]

For Sporting Purposes Only

I bet these would sell at gun shows as a novelty item. [View]

Either that or you could print and glue on your own.

If Only We Disarmed...

...the police, this wouldn't have happened. [Read]

Hey, if it saves one life...

[Via Kevin Starrett]

Pop Quiz

Close your books and begin. [More]

I wonder how most who have an "opinion" on "gun control" would do...

Not really.

[Via Mama Liberty]

The Paper Chase

That's all these bureaucratic cowards are good for -- picking on little girls. [Watch]

I note at @ 1:18 into the video, the reporter passes a sign announcing "100% Identity Check."

I certainly hope in addition to being violators of their own bullying policy, they're not also disenfranchising minorities.

Just look at what they consider to be their "mission":
Our mission at D.N. Fell Schools is to prepare students to be successful learners and responsible citizens who can contribute in a positive manner to a global society.  

Human beings aren't meant to be psychologically abused like this, particularly in their formative years. Is it any wonder that some diseased minds that have been deformed by years of this unnatural manipulation snap?  It's almost like an abused circus animal turning on its trainer.

Cast of Thousands?

I dunno. [Read]

The pictures from their Facebook page (with under 6,000 "Likes") looks more like "hundreds," max.

Missing the Point

I guess that all depends on what they were really aiming at. [Read

This is NPR.

Simple, Except for the Complications

I've got a simple idea: Let's give up on the Constitution. [More]
Can we see what you intend to replace it with, first?

This Day in History: January 28

I am Trying to Collect the Militia, to Make {a Stand at this place. Genl [William L.] Davidson} with {five hundred} Militia two hundred and fifty of which are without flints, I have ordered to Beaties ford. We are filling all the Private fords so as to Make them impasseable.[1] The one that I Lie at I intend to Leave Open. On Lord Cornwallis' approach I thought it advisable to Order all the Prisoners and Stores from Salisbury towards the Moravian Town. I am told they {are gone under a} Weak guard. I wish some of them dont get away. [More]