Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I wonder who history will judge more harshly -- the perps, or those who let them get away with it...  [Read]

No Smith Found

A debate from the past has its roots in antiquity. [Read]

Speaking for All?

Black Women's Agenda Announces Initiative Supporting Gun Control Legislation [More
I wonder what Grandma would say about that...

Some Things to Ponder

Like how many of us are out there, and just what are we prepared to do? [Read]

Do you think we'd even need, say, three percent of gun owners...?

Survey SAYS...

Of course, what it doesn't say is what the respondents actually know about "gun laws." [Read

Young intern Seth here, without even addressing that, and just contenting himself to parrot talking points without acknowledging there might be other considerations an informed readership would need to know about, has one heck of a future as an "Authorized Journalist," wouldn't you say?

Join the DDTs Today!

You know, Democrats for Dead Teachers and students ... [Read]

Hearing yields explosive testimony about law enforcement corruption in gun case

The ordeal of the Reese family continues as a growing sense emerges among those watching the convolutions and misrepresentations and evidence of corruption at all levels -- a suspicion among some and a certainty among others -- that the wrong people have been put on trial, and that their scapegoating is being continued lest the entire official web of deceit unravels. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report brings the latest installment in an ongoing persecution that's looking more and more like official criminals are willing to put scapegoats through hell if it means avoiding accountability. The outstanding reporting on this by Tea Party Patriots of Luna County is something you won't get in the mainstream media, and this story is one of outrageous injustice that ought to be of interest and concern to all civil rights advocates.  But it won't get out unless you help, something the family is counting on us to do.

Will you take a moment to share the link and help raise and spread awareness, so that hopefully, we can get these people freed to start rebuilding their lives?   In a rational world, I wouldn't need to ask, but in a rational world, this type of corruption and deliberate indifference on the part of the mass media wouldn't be an issue.

Thing 2

I confess that I have a very personal bias against guns. In August of 1941, SS men rounded up the Jewish leaders and intellectuals of the Belarus town of Ivye and machine gunned them to death before burying them anonymously in a mass grave. Among them was my wife Jeanie's grandfather. The following month, on September 29-30, 1941, more than 30,000 Jews were similarly murdered in a ravine called Babi Yar in the Ukrainian city of Kiev. Machine guns preceded Zyklon B gas as the Germans' preferred means of committing mass genocide. [More]
Yeah, damn guns in private hands!

Where do these bagel brains come from?

Thing 1

Sure, I had frightened away an intruder, defended my castle. But I could have just as easily been killed by him or accidentally shot myself or my partner. Hundreds of hours of range time didn’t mean anything in the confusion of the moment. [More]
Everybody  in comments is saying they don't believe him.

I do.

But what his being a panic-stricken, vomiting incompetent has to do with anyone's choices but his is beyond me.