Thursday, February 14, 2013

Graphic Overkill

This is the stupidest graphic I've seen since that college newspaper a few years back that showed a gun firing unexpended rounds--I just wasted time I don't have looking for that post so I could link to it and can't find it now.

[Via Bear]

St. Valentine Day Massacre

From Dead Patriot Films:
On this day back in 1929, a gang war in Chicago resulted in the massacre of four reputed gang members and two of their accomplices in the infamous St. Valentine Day massacre. The fall out of this gangland slaughter was the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA), which did not restrict the ownership of fully automatic weapons, the type used in the massacre, but created a tax evasion trap for such weapons and made ownership of popular guns like the Thompson machine gun cost prohibitive. This law was included in the Gun Control Act of 1968 and followed by the Firearm Owners Protection Act (more gun control veiled in a misleading title) that ensured only the most wealthy in our society can posses automatic weapons.

Today, as we sip champagne, nibble on chocolate and gaze into our lover’s eyes, we need to keep in mind how a murderous act by criminals 84-years ago today, resulted in only rich elitists being able to own machine guns in the name of public safety. Think of NFA as a St. Valentines Day card from your government that just “loves” to step on your civil rights.

You can express your love for the 2nd Amendment by doubling your donation or getting a friend to match your pledge making sure that this film gets completed. We’re closing in our goal but we’re not there yet. We need your support – today!

Double or match.

The Surge

Fine and good. [Read

What I want to know is how many of these guys will interpose themselves between the feds and the citizenry?

[Via Jess]

Code Pink

Email from Pinecrest Simi Valley Middle School:
Any questions?

Zapata lawsuit charges government conspiracy and cover-up

Included in the list of answers the plaintiffs are seeking is the key question that has so far evaded investigators in determining a definitive answer for: “Who authorized the gunwalking? Where is/are he/she/they now? [More]
Others are reporting on it. Today's Gun Rights Examiner report brings you an exclusive copy of the complaint itself, so you don't have to rely on their interpretation.

They're from Missouri

I guess they're just going to have to be shown. [Read]

UPDATE: Bluesgal sent me a link to the proposed civil war-starter.  Shall we look at the domestic enemies behind this bit of subversive posturing?
There are email addresses at those links in case you'd like to send them your sincere regards.  

We're the Only Ones Getting a Leg Up on Our Finals Enough

Utah parole officer accidentally shoots own leg during gun exam [More
So was it pass/fail?

I can't help but visualize a graduation ceremony, everybody in robes and mortarboards, "Pomp and Circumstance" playing, and Lee Paige giving the commencement speech...

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Inviting Enough

Cop Leaves Loaded AR-15 Semi-Automatic Rifle In Police Car Parked With Window Open [More] 

And no one had a crow bar?

This reminds me of the tale of Dracula's cup.


Attention Ex-Only Ones

Your elite status is being eyed. They're coming for you.  [Read]

The Sounds of Silence

Wyoming hunters could use silencers on firearms for all types of hunting under a bill that cleared the state House of Representatives on Wednesday. [More
Why should we need a bill? And does anyone think once the "sportsmen" have secured their place at the table they're going to clamor to invite the rest of us in, or more likely just go about enjoying their divide-and-conquer spoils and remain silent?

Oath Breakers for Citizen Disarmament

Colorado police chiefs group supports magazine ban, background checks [More
Well of course they do.  And what does that say about them?

Stand and Fight

NRA's latest video:

Also of note:  
Wayne LaPierre will be responding the State of the Union address today at 4:15 CT/ 5:15 ET and we will be streaming live from, NRA News, NRA Stand and Fight, NRA & NRA News Facebook and Cam & Company on Sportsman Channel.

No Hope

“It looks like I went straight from an A to an F,” Hope says. [More]

Yeah, well, Benedict Arnold went straight from a hero to a traitor.

What did you expect? 

Nice to see NRA doing this, assuming it's not hyperbole -- I haven't seen the card and have no idea if his rating has actually been downgraded that much, if at all. Anybody have a copy?

If not, I'd like to know why. If so, I hope all proto-Quislings will take note.

The Stakes of the Debate

Just as President Obama was preparing to put gun violence squarely in the national political agenda with his address to Congress, a dramatic firefight broke out Tuesday in California that vividly illustrates the stakes of the debate. [More]
See, they're trying to blame this anti-gun Obama-supporting multiple murderer on us.

Figures.  USA Today is a Gannett paper.

[Via Michael G] 

Open States: This Could Be Quite a Resource

Discover politics in your state 
Find your legislators 
Review their votes 
Search upcoming legislation 
Track bill progress [More]
And they're hosting a webinar to teach you how to best use their site on Feb. 22.

Here's more on the group behind it. I'm not sure if they have an unstated agenda yet, but if they want to hand me a chair to use in a bar fight, I'll take it.

[Via Andrea Shea King]

How Do You Know Charles Mainor is Lying?

He says stupid s*** like this: 
“Whether it’s the streets of our New Jersey communities, a movie theater in Colorado or an elementary school in Connecticut, enough is enough is enough. No more talk. It’s time for action. The Assembly will show real leadership and do everything it can to better protect New Jersey residents by advancing a common sense plan to combat this scourge of gun violence that has touched us all so deeply.”

Damage Control

As usual, Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist George Skelton draws the exact wrong conclusion to mask the edginess and desperation the monopoly of violence freaks are feeling now that their vulnerabilities have been exposed for all to see. [Read]

The descent into madness would not be complete without reading the comment by "News-Comments at 6:15 AM February 14, 2013."  

A Ticking Time Bomb

“The literature suggests that having a gun in your home to protect your family is like bringing a time bomb into your house,” said Dr. Mark Rosenberg, an epidemiologist who helped establish the C.D.C.’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. “Instead of protecting you, it’s more likely to blow up.” [More]

And who, by declaring his intent to see them "dirty, deadly and banned" succeeded in getting funding pulled.

S'OK-- The Gray Lady will be happy to give the antis all the forum they want, and present it as straight news. An no, don't expect them to bring up higher suicide rates among "Only Ones" or in "gun-free" Japan.  Or to compare the rates of criminals and substance abusers from, say, NRA members, just to see if it's really the gun that's to blame.

30 Days of Guns Saving Lives

Day 3. [Read]

This series really is a good idea. I hope you're following it and passing along the links.

Do We Enforce Our Gun Laws?

Charts and "a more nuanced view" notwithstanding, the antis claim the Brady Law has stopped a gazillion bad guys from buying guns, each one a felony.  What's the fraudulent claim up to, 2 million now? [Read]

I'm sensitive to that because years back, "Only Ones" tried to intimidate me from asking why there weren't equivalent prosecutions and convictions if true, telling me I wasn't an "Authorized Journalist" so I had to shut up and not embarrass the nice anti-gun legislator in front of "legitimate media" that were there to help them publicize the event, not assess its presumptions.

Of more interest to me would be an article asking why we don't repeal the damn things.

This Day in History: February 14

On February 14, 1781, American General Nathaniel Greene achieved one of the greatest victories of the American Revolution, not in battle but by succeeding in a maneuver remembered today as "The Crossing of the Dan." [More]