Tuesday, February 19, 2013

CSGV Adds Anti-White Racism to Misogyny

Here's an ongoing Twitter dialog with CSGV--the set up is, they're defending "training" that tells women to vomit urinate and tell attackers they're menstruating, and putting down anyone who suggests they ought to have other choices. 

Get under their skin, which isn't hard, and their self-loathing inner racists quickly emerge.

Baca gun permits for gifts report highlights pattern of hypocrisy and worse

“In fact, more than two dozen people who have given gifts or campaign contributions to the sheriff also have gun permits,” the report documents. “More than one out of every 10 permits issued to civilians went to people on Baca's gift list.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a Gun Grinch whose campaign chest grew three sizes that day.

There Oughtta Be a Law!

Funny. The people I've seen talking this way didn't mention anything about prison...  [Read]

[Via Hayden B]

Oregon Alert

If you're from there, you need to be aware of this, and there's also an action item for you.

Matter of fact, if you're from there and you're not a member of Oregon Firearms Federation and already getting and forwarding these alerts,what the hell...?

Kevin Starrett is a seemingly inexhaustible rights machine, but I know he stretches himself every day on our behalf.  You Beaver Staters should be thanking your lucky stars you have him standing guard, sounding alarms, rushing to the battlements and working untold hours and juggling a dozen or more legislative balls at once.

How about giving him a hand?

We're the Fauxnly Ones with Stones Enough

Don't tell me they had no inside help. [Read]

If there's a break in the case, it will be because the insider slips up and then breaks.

It does read like a well-made heist movie, doesn't it?

ASK Tonight

I'll be joining Andrea Shea King tonight at 9 Eastern. [Listen]

Almost There

From Mark Walters:
I'm typing this while live on the air during a break in hour 3.  AAR is currently the NUMBER TWO listened to show IN THE NATION right now in real time as being monitored minute by minute on the Talkstream live website.  We are behind number one, Bill Cunningham and remained in the #2 spot during the entire 3 hour broadcast!!   

This is a HUGE accomplishment that almost defies words.  

Emerging Majorities

That's what's being engineered, all right... [Read]

And for many, the concept of unalienable rights -- as opposed to government-bestowed privileges -- has never been something to even consider, let alone to strive to protect.

Ah yes: A Chicago consulting firm winning the future through education.

[Via Mack H

Prepping for Betrayal

Just remember, Republicans, once you prove you're no longer even marginally useful, we'll stop using you and turn to other options. We have them, you know. [Read]

[Via Luke O]

Nothing New Under the Sun

Firearm Manufacturers Should Face Tobacco Industry-Like Senate Hearings [More]
So they can become dirty, deadly and banned? Gee, where have we heard that before?

[Via lots of you who have been sending me various Frum-related links]

Secret Identities Exposed!

More problems with that 100% volunteered and privately paid for law-abiding gun owner registration list continue to emerge... [Read]

The Moral High Ground

“They’re trying to discredit me in some kind of way because I agreed with the gun deals that I pushed through,” he said. “We’re losing babies. And if the best they can do is come back and say, 'He shouldn’t have Big Bootie Freaks,’ then I said, ‘Hey, you shouldn’t have guns.” [More]
You went full Mainor. You never go full Mainor.

As Long as They Want an Accounting...

Why Is Mexico Asking the U.S. Senate for a Registry of U.S. Gun Owners? [More]
No doubt because they know it will please those sending U.S. plunder to them under the guise of aid.

How about we demand an immediate inspection and sourcing of all confiscated Mexican arms, not just the cherry-picked few they submit to advance the disarmament agenda?  How about if we do a thorough audit on all the money, weapons, equipment and other tangible items sent to the Mexican government and its surrogates, and get a thorough accounting of exactly where everything is ending up?

How about if we also find out who saw nothing when a car being tracked crossed the border, and who ordered that?  Notice how no one from "legitimate media" has the least bit of curiosity about pulling that thread to see what unravels?

[Via Bluesgal]

It Depends on What the Meaning of the Word "Pro" Is

Pro-Gun Lawmakers Are Open to Limits on Size of Magazines [More]
That's simply not true.  That position automatically disqualifies them from being so characterized.

Most Experts Agree

On the contrary, most experts agree that even worse consequences could result from teachers and staff being armed. [More]


Nothing Left to Lose

Some things are just beyond bearing and beyond any conceivable law. [Watch]

Not Just a Little Squeak - Pucker Up and Blow!

“It’s why we have call boxes; it’s why we have safe zones; it’s why we have the whistles — because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop a round at somebody,” Salazar said. [Read]

Where on earth do they find these utter morons?

Just Between Us Girls

Here it is. This is the video where I was asked to keep the Democrat proposals for the NY SAFE Act away from the public. [More]
I don't know how I missed this from a month ago, but you've gotta see it: 

Why Buy the Cow if the Milk's Free?

Why bother with The New York Times beat reporter when Obama can go on “The View”? [More]
No flowers...he never calls...What's the difference between "Legitimate Media" and a public toilet?  A public toilet doesn't follow you around begging to be noticed after you've used it. 

What, you "Authorized Journalist" media sluts thought he'd respect you in the morning? S'OK...I'm sure he'll take full advantage of you again the next time it's convenient and he's got nothing better lined up.

Comedy Gold line from this piece:  
The president’s day-to-day policy development — on immigration, on guns — is almost totally opaque to the reporters trying to do a responsible job of covering it.


I'm sure there are all kinds of dynamics going on, and using ringers wouldn't surprise me, but I also believe there are people who are this weak-minded. [Read]

Eric the Magnificent is counting on it.

Dumb and Dumber

This seems to me like the same intentional error those who claim the U.S. is such a violent country make when they lump peaceable gun owners into the same mix as thugs. [Read]

Total Government Control

Yeah, it's like this. [Read]

Nobody knows anything, nobody knows for how long, and nobody is responsible.

Maybe resistance is a mistake.

This Day in History: February 19

He reached the fort and briefly laid siege to it on February19th by having his men build some "Quaker" cannons, then demanded the surrender of the fort. He threatened to blow the fort to splinters. 

Maj. Maxwell knew that the cannons were fake and declined to surrender his fort. [More]