Thursday, February 28, 2013

Holder answer on contempt charge shows disrespect for more than Congress

Left unsaid is if Holder feels the same sentiment toward other people seeking answers who have also criticized the Attorney General for his conduct, the family of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report demonstrates the only logically consistent answer.

Idaho federal gun enforcement protection bill goes to committee tomorrow

“This legislation is to protect Idaho law enforcement officers from being directed, through federal orders, laws, rules, or regulations enacted or promulgated on or after January 1, 2013, to violate their oath of office and Idaho citizens' rights under the Idaho Constitution, Article 1, Section 11,” the bill’s Statement of Purpose explains. “This Constitutional provision disallows confiscation of firearms except those actually used in commission of a felony, and disallows other restrictions on a lawful citizen's right to own firearms and ammunition. [More]
 This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes another state attempting to exercise some sovereignty.  I realize there is no shortage of regressive "supremacy clause" weenies out there doing their best to trash and ridicule such efforts. 

We shall see.

Letters to Obama

Last week, we talked about Obama soliciting "gun violence" stories and I urged readers to instead send stories of violence prevented with guns, or alternately, "gun violence" perpetrated by the "Only Ones" the citizen disarmament control freaks think should have guns.

Twitter liberty colleague Brenda Gale stepped up to the plate and knocked the ball out of the park. Here's what she sent in and is allowing me to share with you:
Ten years ago I was able to defend myself, and my home against 2 masked, male intruders with a legal firearm. Working alone, very late into the night on a room remodel project-I did not hear the assailants entry, nor their approach. There was no time to dial 911, nor fumble about for a whistle or anything else you folks like to suggest. Because, I was properly INSTRUCTED and CARRYING in my own home, I was able to merely brandished & threaten to avert a potentially deadly situation.

Now, is THIS the point where you will begin to call me a "gun nut"?..and why would you do that?...Because I had taken extra care, at some point in my life preparing for a situation just like this? Because at some point I took responsibility for MYSELF and sought instruction and a weapon to protect that life?? Or Am I a "gun nut" because in this proactive pursuit of lawful and proper self defense, I became enamored of the techniques and the weapons themselves? A natural progression, wouldn't you say? Certainly you can relate, a skeet shooter such as yourself?

In most cases, preparing ahead is commended and most desired. Yet what I see with this Administration, is quite the opposite. Seeking to restrict even further my self defense options-punishing me for the crimes of idiots who don't know the LAW much less follow it.

And that's what I call NUTS.
I'd go a step further and call it evil, even at the risk of CSGV dismissing me because of my race.

What Can Broun Do for You?

GOA tells you. Particularly if you live in Georgia. [Read]

Hypocrisy on ‘paperwork prosecutions’ highlighted by Reese case

Walsh, in a later back-and-forth with Sen. John Cornyn, argued against prosecuting people who had failed background checks, claiming it wasn’t needed since the prohibited persons had been stopped from buying guns, wholly disregarding the possibility that a criminal thwarted by one obstacle may simply find another way, and that way often produces victims. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes one man's "paperwork violation" is another man's utter ruin at the hands of the same frauds offering up such excuses when it suits their purposes.

A Good First Step?

On the one hand, it will make campuses safer.  On the other hand, why is it restricted to employees, and what's this business about having to become an "Only One"-Lite in order to exercise an unalienable  right? [Read]

[Via Michael G]

Well, This Should End Well

Between this and this, we ought to have all kinds of opportunities to renew demands for "gun control".

This is neither posturing nor absurd, Governor.  This is a premeditated attack, and in-your-face revenge.

This is the same agenda-advancing deliberate indifference for collateral death and suffering that was behind Gunwalker, and I note Arizona has done exactly squat to investigate the feds under state law for their part in criminal activities conducted there.

An Uncommon Perspective

The challenge is not to get riled by antics and to grasp rational efforts that could deter gun violence. [More]
Exactly. Which is why your irrational antics designed to rile are best held up for ridicule, instead, like you're trying to do to us with your latest screed painting those who believe in the right of the people to keep and bear arms as crazy, duped racists.

And then there's this:
Mary Sanchez brings an uncommon perspective to the issues that tend to divide Americans into "us" and "them."
That's putting it mildly.

Read more here: [More]
Exactly, Mary Sanchez

The Solution to Violence

And to think it's been right in front of (behind?) us all this time...  [Read]

And just remember, the "journalists" who write and promote nonsense like this, and the public that eats it up and rewards certifiable lunatics like this with fame and fortune, all have opinions on "gun control."

Meanwhile, vital information remains suppressed and  people who have actual valuable knowledge to share remain obscure.

I have to admit, I'm so out of touch, I've made it 60+ years on this planet without ever hearing of this character.  Here's hoping it's at least another 60 before he hits my radar again.

Ratchet Down the Rhetoric!

Evil NRA! [Read]

They're not moderate, reserved, common sense and tolerant, like us!

These Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists don't seem to realize what it will mean when the drums stop beating.

This Day in History: February 28

His health broken from over a year in the British prison, Richard Stockton died bankrupt at age 51, FEBRUARY 28, 1781. [More]