Thursday, March 28, 2013

We're the Only Ones Going Out with a Bang Enough

So, how's that "plead[ing] with 911 officers to send help fast" working  out? [Read]

At least that "temporary restraining order" worked as promised -- temporarily.

[Via bondmen]

McKinley offers true hope and change from Chicago machine politics

“Let me be clear; I will fight to protect every aspect of the Second Amendment and to support my Illinois colleagues' efforts to bring Concealed Carry to our great state,” he pledged. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary is urging everyone to pick up this wrench and throw it in The Machine.

Fudd's Little Acres

I've so far resisted writing about that downward-spiraling, self-imploding manic-depressive headcase Jim Carrey, as why he doesn't trust himself, and through projection, all others with guns (except for his bodyguard) is pretty clear.

But here's someone you probably haven't heard of, who has volunteered himself for gun owner scrutiny:
And here's the website from the resort his Twitter profile says he manages, which "welcome[s] fishermen and hunters alike."
Sorry, guy.  I'd hardly feel welcome.  And there are plenty of other places where I would.

Now That's What I'm Talkin' About

I've been urging activists to do this for a while now, occasionally bringing up reminders and going so far as to offer incentives.

It's nice to see some do.  here are two successful efforts Russell Greenidge sent me that show us how it's done:
If the author's name sounds familiar, you've got a good memory.

I actually got my start doing RKBA-based letters to the editor before going on to newsletters, blogging and then articles. My very first letter was published in The Los Angeles Times and my very second appeared in the Daily Breeze -- on the same day. That encouraged me to try some more, and I ended up with a nice portfolio of published letters before I gave that up to focus on publishing my own content.

Why Don't They Like Me?

I gave them what they wanted... [Read]

Hey, if they respected whores, they wouldn't use them in the first place.

Get this, gunquislings contemplating appeasement: compromise will not buy you anything.

It will give the enemy a beachhead from which to plan and launch their next assault.  What do they have to do, spell it out for you?

When surrounded by circling jackals, there are few dumber ideas than tossing them a scrap of flesh in the hopes that it will satisfy them and induce them to go away and leave you alone.

Can Rand Paul Bring Libertarians Into the GOP?

What, you mean "wacko birds"? [Read]

I suppose they could let some of "those people" caddy for them, but they're sure as hell not going to invite them to play...

We're the Only Ones Unserved Enough

Police Officers Refused Service at Buffalo Wild Wings Because of Guns [More]
Who do these guys think they are, Denny's?

Ordinarily, this wouldn't qualify as an "Only Ones" post, because Buffalo Wild Wings treated them with the same predator-enabling contempt it shows for its "regular" customers.

But the jackboot-licking-good manager wouldn't have issued an apology to you or me, would he?

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Young at Heart Enough

A Detroit police officer who runs a program for troubled teens has been arrested on felony criminal sexual conduct charges involving a victim age 13 to 15. [More]
And yet once again with the Eternal Question...

[Via Ed D]

The Eye of Sauron

Just when you thought it was safe behind the wheel of your large automobile, government attorneys are trying again to monitor your movements...

...A veritable flood of data about drivers -- every turn of the wheel, every application of the brakes -- is about to be unleashed into the open market. [More]
My car insurance agent sent me a monitoring device with the offer of a discount if I used it.

I find it amazing that enough people take them up on it to make mass producing the damn things feasible.  And, of course, I'm just waiting for it to become a requirement. 

Think It Can't Happen Here?

Think this is just something that happens in Cyprus?

I've heard people look at the U.S. government debt situation and claim it's not their debt because they didn't agree to it.

How absolutely true.

And how absolutely irrelevant under the current rules.

Training Biden's "Legitimate Media"

Once you accept that government has the power to "Authorize Journalists," stuff like this becomes inevitable. [Read]

If the University of Maryland School of Journalism was doing its job, they'd have taught young Mr. Barr early on to hold his ground and refuse to comply.

But what do I know?

Cause of Death

What's killing Canadians? [More]
It's certainly not the peaceable armed members of Canada's National Firearms Association.

A Public Health Menace

Maybe we ought to start treating sex like a disease... [Read]

Anybody care to do a correlation on who's getting the clap and who's popping a cap?

Ignorance is Strength

I thought the "progressive" talking point says we are the racists... [Read]

Shortening the Fuse

Legislation proposed by Dallas Democratic Rep. Yvonne Davis would remove any sheriff or law enforcement officer who refuses to enforce state or federal laws. [More]
This could get interesting if the bill passes and Oath Keepers refuse to acknowledge it.

It's like all these safety measures have been set up to keep the powder keg from exploding, and imbeciles like this are bound and determined to override every one of them.

Folksy Sentiments

Think Mitchell here will end up on SPLC's "Hate Watch"? [Read]

From the Jaws of Victory

It’s pretty hard to stop the trafficking of guns to people who might use them for malign purposes when 33 states require no background checks at all. [More]
Yeah, we ought to be more like Mexico. Oh, wait...

Time to see what our "pro-gun Democrats" are made of.

Ditto "pro-gun Republicans."

These hive insects actually think if the NRA "loses," they'll be able to negotiate terms of surrender on our behalf?

I've been saying since December that there are those ostensibly on "our side" who believe we have to give up something, and they have no shortage of "pragmatic" supporters who will make excuses for them, who in turn have no shortage of followers who will accept it.

This Day in History: March 28

At the same time, however, Brig. Gen. Marion attacked and badly cut up his rear guard as it forded the Sampit River, since the bridge had already been partially destroyed by the partisans to impede the British as they retired. His own horse shot out from under him, Lt. Col. Watson then opened up his cannon on Brig. Gen. Marion's men and drove them back. [More]