Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lock N Load Radio

I'll be joining host Bill Frady this evening at 6 Eastern to talk about current gun control efforts in the Senate and whatever else he wants to bring up.

Go to the LNLR website and click the "Listen and chat live" tab to do just that.

With support for semi-auto ban, Reid completes conversion to dark side

This latest turn was anticipated by Gun Rights Examiner, which, in September, 2010, asked “Why is anti-gun Mayor Bloomberg backing Harry Reid?” [More


Gomer has something he'd like to say to you both...

Gottlieb response to Kopel critique prompts rebuttal

Alan Gottlieb, Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said Independence Institute Research Director David Kopel’s claims, articulated in an analysis on The Volokh Conspiracy legal blog, “are false,” prompting Kopel to prepare a rebuttal for National Review Online. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report provides front row seats for a championship bout.

BREAKING: CCRKBA pulls support for Manchin-Toomey

Huge news from Dave Workman. [Read]

UPDATE: The following press release just came in from Alan Gottlieb via email:

For Immediate Release: ​​
BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has withdrawn its support for the Manchin-Toomey alternative background check measure because a key amendment for restoration of firearms rights is not being considered.

“Our support for this measure was contingent on several key provisions, the cornerstone of which was a rights restoration provision that is not on the schedule for consideration,” said a frustrated CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “This is not a reflection against Senators Joe Manchin or Pat Toomey, who are staunch Second Amendment advocates, and I want to thank them for all of their efforts to include as many protections for our gun rights as possible.

“But it appears the Democratic leadership in the Senate was opposed to letting this important consideration come up for a vote,” he said. “We told everyone including a number of senators, that while there are many pro-gun rights provisions added to the main body of the bill, our support was contingent on this additional amendment coming to the floor. When we say something, we mean it.”

Rights restoration has been withheld from American citizens for more than two decades, ever since Sen. Charles Schumer – when he was still in the House of Representatives – successfully strong-armed a provision to withdraw funding for rights restoration investigations by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

“Senators Manchin and Toomey are not to blame for this,” Gottlieb stated, “as they have been negotiating in good faith throughout this process. But Schumer and other anti-gun Democrats are continuing their campaign of demagoguery in order to permanently disqualify as many Americans as possible from being able to exercise their fundamental rights under the Second Amendment.

“If the Manchin-Toomey alternative now goes down to defeat,” he continued, “Democrats in the Senate, led by Harry Reid, have only themselves to blame. While the Manchin-Toomey alternative has a significant number of gains for gun owners, it will not include this key provision, upon which our support was dependent.

“We cannot, in clear conscience, continue to support a measure that will not include this critical relief component,” Gottlieb concluded. “If Democrats like Schumer thought we could be flim flammed on this, they were wrong.”

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation's premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.

Survey SAYS

Not unexpected, considering who reads their general opinion page, as opposed to just accessing specific articles of interest...If you'd like to help make it an informed poll, click here, scroll down to the right, weigh in and tell your friends.

[Via libertyworks]

The Gun Show Poophole

The STM bill lets the Justice Department send people at gun shows to jail for up to five years for a crime they did not even know was a crime. [More]
Well, that's pretty crappy...

[Via Mack H]

"You All Have Done Everything You Can"

Manchin thanks Biden's "legitimate media" for their support. [Watch]

[Via @TCguns_carry]

Bringing Down America

A look at our Glorious Leader's mentors and advisers... [Read]

You know, those "domestic enemies" we were warned about.

[Via James Simpson]

ATSNTV Triple Treat

First, they're doing an encore presentation of their "Stop the Threat: Road Rage" episode this week:
Watch on the PURSUIT Channel! DISH Network: Channel 240 HUNT DirecTV: Channel 604 PRST
Wednesdays 2:00pm PST 5:00pm EST 
Thursdays 10:00pm PST 
Fridays 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST Fridays 1:00am EST 
Next, don't forget, they need our daily votes. That is, unless you think there's already too much programming of this type on TV...

And finally, for those of you going to the NRA annual meeting:

Follow the Money

Poor elitists.  Are the mean old grassroots millions ganging up on you?  [Read]

[Via Florida Guy]

Arlen Toomey

Yep, that appellation's pretty appropriate. [Read]

I may have to update my graphic.

There we go:

[Via Andrea Shea King]

Recycling Program

The Arizona state Senate voted to prohibit the destruction of firearms gathered by cities and counties. Instead, municipalities will be required to sell the firearms to recoup buyback costs. [More]
Now if they'd just extend that "No questions asked" to private parties and get the damned government out of the gun-dealing business...

[Via Florida Guy]

An Independent Effort

A 1 minute long commercial for Oath Keepers. Made independently--not in any way officially affiliated with the Oath Keepers organization. [Watch]
I can tell you for a fact that Stewart Rhodes is quite pleased with this.

An Instrument of Peace

As opposed to a tool of the rulers, which is what this useful idiot Swartzendruber has chosen to be... [Read]

I'd say Brian's money is safe.

Gun Control Could Die Today

Well, that's a bit of hyperbole, but I get what they're trying to say is the current push could. [Read]

If it does, what role will you be able to tell  your countrymen that you played?

Judge relaxes release conditions for Reese father and son

This relaxation of conditions, essentially an acknowledgement by the judge that the family members pose no danger to anyone and are not flight risks, leaves open the question of why the federal government found it necessary to keep them caged for so long, and why prosecutors opposed their bail release. [More]
Yeah. What the hell?

Speaking of "Bullsh..."

There's this smug little punk... [Read]

Oh: Look at the client list

I'll just betcha more since then could be found if the firms didn't keep much of that information privileged.

This Day in History: April 17

We are on our march for Camden, and shall be there the day after tomorrow. I am greatly in the dark respecting the enemy’s strength and situation in South Carolina, and also of Lord Cornwallis’ motions. [More]