Monday, April 22, 2013

After Senate setback, Obama quietly moving forward with gun regulation

A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Final Rule published today in the Federal Register and a news release issued Friday by the Department of Health and Human Services, followed up with a notice to be published tomorrow, are two developments all but ignored by the mainstream press even though Vice President Joe Biden announced last week that the administration would be using executive orders to advance “gun control” goals following a Senate battle that could not muster the votes to do so legislatively.[More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes all administration efforts aren't done with great fanfare. Some, they would just as soon keep "under the radar."

Help disappoint them?

What's the Problem Here?

Ortiz got away with it. So why fire this poor slob, aside from the fact that both he and his co-reader have the onscreen speech and presentation skills of novice middle-schoolers...?

So, Julius: I do lots of radio. Mind if I tell Bloomberg, Feinstein and Schumer exactly what I think of them and do you promise not to penalize the host or the station?  I guarantee it will be "from the heart," since that seems to be your requirement.

Or by not serving your agenda, would that make my speech more objectionable?

This Is Exactly What I'm Talking About

Kurt tells us of a pro-gun senator who did the right thing, and is now enduring a barrage of hateful messages sent to her Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Meanwhile, "our side" makes excuses not to even consider the power of social media, let alone use it.

So what's she supposed to think if she's getting called "traitor" and "c**t" and being told she has Newtown blood on her hands UNDER A COORDINATED MESSAGING CAMPAIGN and she's not seeing but a handful of gun owners come to her defense?

What the hell is she supposed to think?

Reese Witherspoon arrest shows privileged hypocrisy of anti-gun elitists

Unlike with drunk driving laws, which punish for after-the-fact violations, Witherspoon was one of a handful of privileged Hollywood dilettantes joining Mayor Michael Bloomberg to ‘demand a plan” to place prior restraints on sober and responsible gun owners, essentially to control those who have already exhibited self control as a response to those who do not. That Witherspoon recognizes this weakness in herself may provide a key as to why she fears others may also share in her character defects, and does not trust them to act responsibly on their own. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at another elitist reprobate who can't -- or won't -- control herself, so she naturally insists that the rest of us be controlled.

Revolution Radio

I'll be on with Jim and Trav again today at 2 p.m. Eastern, that is, less than an hour from now.

We're the Only Ones "A Man's Gotta Know His Limitations" Enough

Charles Ramsey has called in federal authorities to investigate. [More]
Yeah, it's not like he's got a whole department full of cops at his disposal or anything...I guess he just wanted to bring in people with experience.

Wonder what they'd do to an FFL if he couldn't account for one...

[Via Florida Guy]

Last Night, On Armed American Radio

Today was sidekick Seanto’s birthday as well as being AAR’s 4th year on the air. Happy birthday to Sean and AAR! Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation discusses his support for the Toomey/Manchin background check bill that failed in the senate, David Codrea analyzes the discussion and Scott Wilson of Connecticut Citizens Defense League talks CT. gun grabs and 2A politics.

This Cud's for You

Yeah, well don't let the door hit you in the @$$, "heir." [Read]

Who couldn't see this coming?

Not like there aren't plenty of other beers to choose from...

[Via Jess]

Let No One Be So Cruel

"Let no one be so cruel as to try to use the heinous acts of these two young men last week to derail the dreams and futures of millions of hardworking people," Leahy said. [More]
Besides, we're relying on our deliberate subversion to create more demand for control.  What kind of cruel person would deny us that?

[Via Geordan]

Ain't It the Truth?

And, of course, in a Post Office, a non-"Only one" would have been breaking the law. [Watch]

[Via Michael McNulty]

Health Risks from Lead-Based Ammunition

These agenda-driven eggheads really ought to forget about the damn condors and start focusing on agents and abettors of tyranny... [Read]

Oh, look who's behind this.


Still, they do make damn fine ashtrays...

[Via Portly Pirate]

"Progressive" Logic

The news that the suspects were not authorized to own firearms will likely add fuel to calls for tougher gun laws... [More]
"Gun laws" were ignored. They were useless. So we obviously need more of them.

[Via several of you]

We're the Only Ones Pushing in Our Stool Enough

I'd say "unbelievable," but then, we all know that wouldn't be true. [Read]

Just to make sure this isn't some Photoshop hoax, I did a little checking.  It's real, from 2010.

Hahaha! Those wacky Joburg "Only Ones" sure are a laff riot!

Except when they're not.

Hahaha! There they go again, those loveable goofballs!

[Via Jake S]

A Great Crowd

Or would that be "teeming multitude"? [See]

For some reason, I'm remembering that AMC began presenting reruns of "Rawhide" over the weekend...

[Via Sean Y]

Exigent Circumstances

Coming soon, to a neighborhood near you. [Watch]

I wonder (not really) if any "Legitimate Media/Authorized Journalists" are going to keep track of prosecutions resulting from these Heroes of the Fatherland finding verboten items or substances...

[Via Brian W]

Well What Did You THINK Was Going to Happen?

I just don't get the surprise.  They need to spend less time with lobbyists and deal-brokers and more time gauging the sentiment of fed-up Americans. [Read]

[Via Michael G]

Comrades are We, the Elite DHS Battallion!

Everybody sing along! [Watch]

Matt Bracken and Mark P. Ferri have a message that needs to go viral.  That means you need to help.

There's No Place Like Home

Mike just called and wanted me to tell you they just crossed the Alabama state line and should be home in under two hours.  He plans to blog this afternoon.

I hope his friends have not inundated him with emails and comments.