Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Gun owner charges Quincy Police profiting by illegally selling seized guns

“As you can see from the sales slips, the Quincy police are pocketing thousands of dollars at a time by illegally depriving gun owners of their property and selling it off at a fraction of its value, and this practice has been ignored by state authorities for years, even though the proceeds of any sales are supposed to go to the state treasury, and they are not,” Mirsky told Gun Rights Examiner. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes closing down a ring of gun thieves becomes much harder when they have badges.

A Mother's Journey

Minds can be changed if they have the right influence, as this special report from NRA shows. [Watch]

The training of children is also paramount, as much as the blood dancers find it more advantageous to keep them as ignorant as their useful idiot followers.

An observation from personal experience:  I'm delighted to see things worked out for this couple and differences were resolved.  Me, I took Sweetie to the range on, like, our third date, and her willingness and enthusiasm were big factors in helping me decide this was a person I wanted to get to know better. I can't recommend that highly enough for any of you in relationships you haven't committed to yet.

If she'd have been horrified instead, odds are we wouldn't have feral sons Uday and Qusay chained in the basement right now gnawing on intruder bones.

Excellent Resource

Although I'd be inclined to change the name to the "CSGV Would Prefer They Had All Been Killed Interactive Map." [View]

[Via Florida Guy]

Sunday's Armed American Radio Broadcast

It's now archived--Author Larry Correia was Mark's special guest. I joined in for Hour 3.

New Definition for "Whole Lot of People"

Mike Bloomberg and the Astro-Turfers, of course. [Read]

Morse is the one who equates gun rights advocacy with "a sickness from our souls" that must be "cleansed."

[Via cydl]

So Much for "No Questions Asked"

Pipe bombs are illegal to possess... [Read]
Well, so are a lot of the weapons you collected, especially by some of the people who turned them in.

Beck and Villaraigosa certainly are a pair, aren't they?

[Via William T]

When Toilet Brushes are Outlawed

And most people keep them in reach of children! [Watch]

[Via Jess]

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise

Doesn't take much to horrify and terrorize the cud chewers, does it? And thank goodness for that great response time from Furious Mike's Finest. [Read]

I remember when my Dad bought us BB guns when we were staying at a motel on home leave from an overseas assignment. We put up some targets and set up an impromptu range.  The motel management didn't mind and none of the guests thought anything of it.

[Via Felix B]

Not Cut Out for This

A San Francisco sociology class -- figures.  Nothing like teaching useful life skills. [Read]

What actually caught my eye is the video, starting at 1:30. No magazine, and he ejects a round onto the ground... Go watch it.

The cutout gun reminds me -- I need to find a project for the dozen sponge guns I still have left.

[Via Florida Guy]

Public Unaware

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware [More]
I guess they were all busy trusting Tom Hanks.

I see WaPo is quick to find that touch of grey in the silver lining. It's only natural that "legitimate media" responsible for propagating such li...uh...misconceptions wouldn't want to dull that fear edge they keep trying to sharpen.

Workman weighs in.

Everything Must Go

D.C. Council moves to ban 3D weapons [More
OK, now that we've taken care of space, it's on to time control...

Starrett Gets Ink

"Nothing is done until the last Prius leaves the building," he said, adding "Some freak goes out and shoots up a kindergarten, and everything changes." [More]
 As usual, Kevin tells it like it is, which has resulted in more than one gungrabber having a meltdown.

Here's his latest alert on this.

If you're an Oregon gun owner, why wouldn't you support his efforts?

A "Liberal" Nails It

They aren’t saying unapologetically that Goddammit, they voted to “defend the Second Amendment” and all you liberals can just suck on it. [More]
And therein lies the problem.

A Red Letter Day

If you live in Ohio, Buckeye Firearms Association is asking you to send a letter to the editor of the local papers, who, if nor a full-blown Red, is certainly a Pinko. [Read]

Taking a Powder

Control Fever: It's a sickness with these people. [Read]

[Via Florida Guy]

Ignorance is Bliss

How telling, that the "gun safety" hoplophobes would rather a child who encounters a gun know absolutely nothing about it. [Read]

I guess if there's no blood, it cramps their dance moves.

Bill Hutchinson and Daniel Beekman are so pretty when they're angry.

Note this is filed under "News" and not "Opinion"?

Note to Republican Ungulates

You're letting them spook you, and that's a win-win for the gungrabbers. [More]

If you vote for disarmament edicts, they get what they want, and then when you deservedly lose your disgusted core constituents, well, what the hell did you think the plan was?

They're pushing you through the chutes like stockyard cattle. In the end, you'll probably be just as stunned.

The Most Trusted Man in America

Figures, especially since most don't know first thing about the real person behind the illusionary ones he pretends to be. [Read]

At least there will be plenty of softer targets and easier prey ...

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go dust off my Franklin Mint "Diana--The People's Princess" collector plates.

Talking Guns Interview

My Sunday conversation with Kate Krueger is now archived online. [More]

This Day in History: May 8

On May 8, a fortunate howitzer blast hit the magazine in Fort Crescent. Black smoke billowed into the sky as the gunpowder supply exploded, killing 57 British troops and devastating the fortifications. Ezpeleta, commanding the light infantry, was then able to lead the charge to take Fort Crescent, and moved howitzers and cannons in place to open fire on the next two fortifications. The British fired back from Fort George, but were overwhelmed by the Spanish firepower. [More]