Thursday, May 16, 2013

Not the First Time a Self-Coronation By Military Leaders Has Taken Place

Pentagon Unilaterally Grants Itself Authority Over ‘Civil Disturbances’ [More]

WRSA has points of contact for those still inclined to send electrons down range.

Today's Five-Minute Activism Task: Spread the Word About the Reese Case

"Authorized Journalists" want nothing to do with reporting on it, as this Google News search demonstrates. That means most people, including most self-styled gun advocates, have probably never even heard about the Reese family's ordeal, let alone learned any of the details. And that means, if you think that's wrong, only you can help by sharing these links with your friends.

In the Next World, You're On Your Own

In this one too... [Read and watch]

I don't know why the breathless Brit rewriting the Local 4 Detroit TV news piece acts so judgmental about witnesses doing nothing -- what the hell would he be prepared to do about it?

[Via bondmen]

Wie ein guter Nachbar

I'm sure the gangbangers will be lining right up. [Read]

Every who wants to legally own a gun understands this is just national socialist Mary Cheh f*****g with them because she hates them and because she can, right?


False reports outpace sex assaults in the military [More]

Of course, false reports also have grave and offensive consequences for civilians. particularly when an unmerited TRO results in a firearms disability--and in some cases, you don't even need an accusation of a sexual assault.

Some are fighting back, although they could stand an education on the difference between self defense and "vigilantism."

[Via Mack H]

The Guns of Tomorrow

At least according to Masshole Rep. John Tierney, who either doesn't realize how ignorant suggesting mandating "smart guns" makes him, or is merely counting on the fact that anyone stupid enough to vote for him can pretty much be conned into anything. [Read]

So it figures the idiot metrosexuals at Slate would go all gushy over the idea, especially if an anti-gun James Bond actor can be made up to look all heroic and manly with it.

Reese lawyers respond to government motion against joint representation

“The Government implies the price of obtaining justice for some of the Reese family members would be for one family member to fall on his or her sword,” the response assesses. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner exclusive notes the character of those who demand a blood sacrifice.

"Because She Was a Liar"

Yeah, but with this administration, what difference does it make? [Read]

[Via Ron W]

Welcome to the Party, Pals

Congressman: Justice Dept. Wiretapped the House of Representative's Cloak Room [More]
How dare the King's men treat the nobles like commoners!

Still, if this is true, it's huge.  Sounds like Hewitt wasn't automatically buying it.

[Via bondmen]

This Day in History: May 16

May 16, 1781 at Portevent's Mill, Duplin Co., North Carolina - On May 16, the Loyalist force, commanded by Maj. ?? Mobley, was camped at Portevent's Mill. Some scouts from the Patriot force, commanded by Col. James Kenan, discovered the Loyalists at the mill grinding some corn. They sent word back to the main force letting Kenan know about their finding. They attacked the Loyalists at the mill. The Loyalists fled in all directions after a brief skirmish. The Patriots pursued them up the Six Runs River. A final skirmish ensued after a quick ambush was set up by a part of the Patriots. A Loyalist discovered the ambush and the Loyalists attacked the Patriot flank. Hand-to-hand fighting took place, with the Loyalists eventually fleeing into the swamp. Conclusion: American Victory. Casualties: American: 3k, 3+w; British: 12k, 4w, 12c [More]