Tuesday, May 21, 2013

We're the Only Ones Colliding Enough

SWAT Team Rams Wrong Man’s Car [More]
And at least one of them fired a gun? 

So the Bradys were right about shootouts over fender benders?


I was accidentally sent some chatter on this, and because I was not the intended recipient, I kept quiet. [Read]

Now that it's out, I can say that what I saw was speculating on the FBI being behind it, trying to ID her unnamed Benghazi sources.  That doesn't mean they were, it just means that's what was being discussed.

I've often wondered if my and Mike's computers and phones have been treated to special scrutiny, and my default position is to act like they are, so every once in a while I interject something into our conversations like "The geese fly at midnight."

Perazzi Name Mixup?

Illuminating thread going on at AR15.com:

So the story is real but it wasn't Perazzi?

Then how did the lawyer representing him get that basic fact wrong?  I'll have to ask.

Right after I call a CCGA board member said to be an eyewitness I just got a number for.

I Agree to a Point

But unless you reduce spending, they'll simply take it out of a different pocket. [Read]

Not that the political powers that be have any interest in changing the "representation without taxation" dynamic they so rely on...


Russian 'Terminator' has Bullet removed from head [Watch]

Not for the squeamish.

Even without total penetration, I'm wondering if he got a concussion.

[Via Jess]

No Doubt It's a Problem

The thing is, focusing on the method with no real means of impacting that distracts from addressing root causes. [Read]

For instance, why do you think this group has a rate that dwarfs the general population's?  Are any of the "gun control" groups calling to disarm them? At least for now, and out in the open?

Welcome to the WoGroll

Say "Hello" to Holographic Site Guide, "Your complete guide to holographic sights." [Visit]

Second Call

I have no first-hand knowledge about these folks, but this looks like something gun owners might want to check out. [Read]

I know statistically it's a numbers game where the odds are you will never need it, but if we took that attitude, we wouldn't be carrying guns in the first place.

Adams County Sheriff Denies Knowledge of Perazzi Incident

I just got off the phone with the Adams County Sheriff's public information officer. He told me they have no knowledge of this incident other than what they've seen reported in the media.

I have not yet heard back from Denver PD, and will be following up on that today.

Not So Silent Observers

The correct response to these nosy, subversive-minded "Authorized Journalists" is two words and starts with "F." [Read]

We're the Only Ones Not Really the Only Ones Enough

"When I see the charges I've pleaded to, I'm overwhelmed with guilt and shame," ex-Central Contra Costa Narcotics Enforcement Team Cmdr. Norm Wielsch said as he sobbed and clutched a tissue. "I'm sorry, that's not really me." [More]
Poor man. You've already been through so much!

My favorite bit of apologia:
His attorney said Monday that it was Wielsch's mental illness that made him susceptible to Butler, a sociopath who corrupted otherwise good people.

[Via Dave Licht]

Curioser and Curioser

...custom and value of approximately $ 500,000. [More]

Here's another Italian media report via Google Translate.  And here's the curious part:

I didn't say $500,000 in my report.

Fox 31 Denver didn't say $500,000 in their report.

Where did blitz quotidiano get the $500,000 figure?

[Via Roger J]

The hoax of the arrest of Perazzi: a fake scoop created by the gun lobby?

This is the Google Translate version of what appears to be a New York-based Italian news site. [Read]

No one is more committed to finding the truth of this matter than I am. That's why I spent hours last night posting and publicizing updates, communicating with the principal sources, and reaching out to Perazzi, Fox News 31 Denver and the Denver PD.  That's why I'm getting ready to spend another long day digging out and sharing whatever I can.

I invite the reporter making this public speculation about motives to contact me (dcodreaAThotmailDOTcom).

UPDATE: I posted a comment on their site linking to this piece that is presently awaiting moderation, and also just sent them this: