Friday, May 24, 2013

We're the Only Ones Legislating Enough

The California state Senate voted 28-8 Wednesday to exempt itself from the pointless gun-control laws that apply to the rest of the populace. Legislators apparently think they alone are worthy to pack heat on the streets for personal protection, and the masses ought to wait until the police arrive. [More
See, all those bad things they say guns do, well, evidently not when they control them.

And if this seems kind of opposite to original intent, well, just understand such people refer to their policies as "progressive." Assigning reverse meanings is what they do.

UPDATE: It is pointed out in comments that this story is from 2011 and that this part of the bill was amended out.

[Via Florida Guy]

There's an App for That

Find and rate businesses who support Second Amendment rights. [More
Their press release gives more information.

We discussed a similar effort back in March. I can't say how the two ventures compare, because I still carry an old clamshell pull-start model, so those of you who are not reta...uh...technologically challenged will need to weigh in with your own comparative product reviews.

New-fangled gizmos are tough for me.  When I was in college, the hot new bar novelty was Pong, so by the time the gaming industry took off, I was a "grup" and didn't have incentive to learn such things, which seemed geared for much younger people. That doesn't mean we hadn't mastered what was necessary: I recall (in the days when many smoked cigarettes at their desks) transcribing assembly parts lists onto 80-column forms to be punched into cards to feed a mainframe. My first "PC" had a 512K drive, an amber monitor and a daisy wheel printer. I recall being irritated as hell the first time I tried to use a mouse, because the damn thing seemed so non-intuitive. 

And when I see the ease with which feral sons Uday and Qusay navigate through all the intricacies of making what's on a screen conform to totally confounding controller commands, and all the stuff they seem to be able to do on devices called "phones" but that do so much more, none of which I grok or see as necessary, all I want to do at that point is keep small furry mammals from eating the eggs. Trying to learn to keep up convinces me if I'd been born a couple decades later, I'd have been a prime candidate for attention deficit drugs.

But for those of you who haven't outlived your usefulness and aren't obsolete, by all means, do try out this new application and make sure you let everyone know if you get value from it.

Lest Ye Be Judged

The Pennsylvania State Police have charged a western Pennsylvania judge with stealing cocaine from evidence in cases he presided over before he abruptly resigned last year. [More]
I wonder if they had to pump him for information?

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Schooled Enough

Only law enforcement officers are allowed to carry a gun into a school, Reynolds said. [More]
Because as we demonstrate just about every damn day here, they're special.

[Via William T]

Read more here:

"The Judgment of the Trial Court is Affirmed"

Candidly, I would have been surprised at a different outcome. [More]

Sure Beats Those Tupperware Shindigs

Readers have been left dumbfounded by the ease at which the journalist was able to build the weapon, combined with the fact that the process was completely legal. [More
When it's easy, you don't think being legal or not will stop anyone, do you?

And as for it being "perfectly legal" in California, I'd appreciate some knowledgeable opinions on that. That he only used five rounds says something...

On a personal note, hearing the wind in the background of the video brought back memories. I've camped in Mojave, and I thought the tent was going to blow away with me inside it.

[Via DMJ]

"Home Alone" Encore Presentation

Tonight on American Trigger Sports Network's "Stop the Threat"... [More]

Well, Can They?

I've been asking this question myself and would appreciate opinions from those knowledgeable with Florida preemption law.  [More]

I also have one other question: Why is a column using judgmental terms like "arms-bazaar excesses" appearing under the "News" category instead of "Opinion"?

Not Just "Good"

Does this sound like a good idea in a city struggling with gun violence: Wipe every anti-gun-violence law off the books, and make it impossible to write new ones? [More]
That sounds like an excellent idea to those who can demonstrate those have all really been "pro-violence" edicts.

First Non-Responders

What else should anyone really expect? [More]

[Via several of you]

Why Stay Where You're Despised?

They damn well ought to leave. There are plenty of friendly places to move, and the most valued employees could be given the option to relocate. [More]

And all the gun companies need to start acting more like Barret in terms of sales to state agencies.

They won't, of course, unless we make an effort to let them know what our expectations are and ... oh ...

Get a load of Ron Pinciaro saying he hopes no employees are hurt. 

[ via Florida Guy]

Note: For some reason, I can no longer access NYT articles in Firefox, but can in IE.

¡No Más!

Hope takes root in the strangest places. [More]

I note the Federales haven't sent out confiscation squads.

Is it possible there's a lesson here for wider application?

[ via Florida Guy]

When It's THEIR Ox Getting Gored...

..."Authorized Journalists" sure can bellow. [More]

When it's someone else's, not so much.

[Via Michael G]

Surefire Apathy Generation Formula

1. Share the latest in the Reese family's ordeal.
2. Show how no one else in the media is covering it.
3. Ask "internet gun activists" to take one minute to help spread the word.

Forgive me if I'm skeptical about "cold dead hands" claims when there are so many unlifted fingers every time something easy comes along.

Prosecutorial Discretion

It shouldn't be needed. [More]

And it illustrates an inconsistency as exemplified by the outrage over the decision not to prosecute David Gregory.

How about we just get rid of the b......t "laws"?

[Via Jess]

Scientific Amerikan

And their affinity for agenda-driven chicken bone-casting masked as "science" continues. [More]

And, of course, that will require...what do they call that globalist tyranny they endorse?...oh, yeah, "transnational enforcement."

New Target for CSGV

Go on vLadd and Josh: Call your fellow traveler here an "insurrectionist" and traitor."  [More]

Hell, I'll make some popcorn while you pull out all the stops. 

Call her "white."

Mike has her seeming affinity for true egalitarianism exactly pegged.  There's no place for your ideals, Monica, once the new boss takes the stage, and the useful idiots are astonished to realize those they gave their souls to now consider them useless eaters.

If you wear glasses, hide them.

¿Armas Para Que?


New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg used a commencement speech to push his gun-control agenda, telling graduates of Kenyon College in Ohio that gun control is “something you really should think about.” [More]
As opposed to "obsess on" while flying into a Napoleonic rage...?

And did he use the "f" word?

Even after this malignant orc leaves office, he'll still have an armed security detail.  I wonder if he'll still get a special pass to take them with him to Bermuda?

This Day in History: May 24

By him I received the unwelcome intelligence that the whole interior Country had revolted, and that Marion & Lee (after reducing a small Post where Lieut. Col. Watson kept his Baggage at Wright's Bluff), had crossed the Santee to support the Insurgents upon the same Night which he passed it to join me. [More]