Friday, June 07, 2013

Rich ‘progressive’ bullies way into gun debate

And Lerer, of course, along with Michael Bloomberg and a handful of select, self-anointed philosopher kings, are just the ones to provide that “outside leadership.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report invites one of the elites who says he's out to destroy us to bring it on.

The Deadly Gun!

The driver, who worked with the county sheriff’s department, offered me his service revolver to examine. I turned the weapon onto its side, pointed it toward the door. The barrel, however, slipped when I shifted my grip to pull the hammer back, to make certain the chamber was empty, and turned the gun toward the driver’s seat. When I let the hammer fall, the cylinder must have rotated without my knowing. When I pulled the hammer back a second time it fired a live round. 

My friend, Doug, slumped in the driver’s seat, dying... [More]
The barrel slipped...

The cylinder rotated without my knowing...

IT fired a live round...

You  poor victim. To think that a mean old gun did all that to you.

UPDATE: This one begged for more detailed treatment.  See "Anti-gunners exploiting author’s negligence and guilt in ‘gun death’ story."

Why Not?

Given that the American mainstream media has failed miserably in doing its job, serving as an embarrassing example of what happens when news outlets climb into bed with a political party or administration, why would bloggers not be the trusted sources of news rather than the shady slanted reporting of the mainstream media? [More]
 Fair question.

Justin's Disdain

I have nothing but disdain for the TrackingPoint, which exemplifies everything I hate about a gun culture...While the TrackingPoint technology has definite military applications, I can’t think of any real civilian use for it. [More]
I'd say all that hate and disdain is clouding Justin's thinking.

Slate males.  I wonder if they stamp their feet when they're mad?

[Via Florida Guy

Parking Lot Hold Up

Tonight, on American Trigger Sports Network's "Stop the Threat"...

In this week's crime re-enactment, a grandmother drops her grandson off after a day at the park. Driving home, she reflects upon her days activities when her phone rings. Fearing the worst, she discovers she can not reach her phone. She pulls over in a lit parking lot to retrieve her phone, but falls prey to armed men who lay in wait. Stop the Threat host, James B. Towle and guests Kelly Muir, Rob Pincus and Steve Vandermolen weigh in on this incident and offer their expert comments in a lively discussion. 
Watch on the PURSUIT Channel!
DISH Network: Channel 240 HUNT DirecTV: Channel 604 PRST
Fridays 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST

The Dumbest Idea

"The best way for us to deal with those things is at the ballot box," he said. "If you don't like what's happening at the Legislature and in the governor's office, then take care of it on election day."[More]
And if there's more of us than there are of you, obey or be destroyed.

[Via Mike McNulty]

Knuckle-Dragging Rednecks

[A] West Virginia farmer and his coal miner buddy can put together an IED in an afternoon that will turn even the mighty M1A1 Abrams tank into scrap metal.  That is the nature of asymmetric warfare. [More]
This is a pretty good assessment. Arrogant, ignorant antis have no idea who they're messing with.

I love it when indignant, opinionated "progressives" make fun of rural people, as if their faux urban "sophistication" is superior to actual useful knowledge. They truly have no clue, which is both good for us in a Sun Tzu kind'a way, but also dangerous, because without the requisite fear, fools may be dumb enough to start something that will be horrifying for all.

[Via WRSA]

Illegal Alienator

Obama's alienating the press and now he's alienating the judiciary. [More]


We're the Only Ones Inflammatory Enough

Shortly thereafter, the father of the children arrived, and immediately attempted to go inside the burning house to rescue his nine month old son. However, police interfered with his will in this life or death situation, and went as far as to tase him for trying to save his own son. He was tased, and sadly, the infant did not make it. [More]
I don't understand -- in TV shows, the hero cop always goes into the burning building himself...

[Via Kid Sister]

This Day in History: June 7

Your Excellency has, no Doubt, been made acquainted that the foregoing Requisition is founded upon the alarming Progress which the Enemy are making in Virginia. You will be pleased therefore to give Orders to the Officers commanding the respective Corps to march by Detachment as they are raised and equipped, to whatever Place may be the [2] Head Quarters of the American Army in Virginia, or in Maryland (Should the Enemy have advanced into that State) and take their further Commands from the General or other commanding Officer. [More]