Flagstaff school shooting drill confirms ‘gun free zones’ enable killers

“The drill was nothing but a cleanup effort with zero prevention measures,” a source describing the operation as “a major cluster” told Gun Rights Examiner this morning. “It also took cops 30 minutes to get to the victims. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the great object seems to be how efficiently civil "authoritah" can mop up the blood -- while ensuring the antis still get plenty to dance in.

Something New to Ban

Quick! Strangle this baby in its crib! [More]

For the children!

[Via Andrea Shea King]

The Things You Need to Believe if You're a "Real Reporter/Legitimate Media/Authorized Journalist"

That's right, Christina Sterbenz of Business Insider: Our rights were given to us by a comma. [More]

Good girl. Here's your salary.

"Most Dangerous Neighborhoods" Sounds So Negative and Judgmental

Just call them what they are with no embellishment: Democrat precincts. [More]

[Via Florida Guy]

We're the Only Ones Barred Enough

Welcome to the party, pals. Feel our pain. We can't -- you can't.  [More]

And "Republican" Henry Burns wanting an "Only Ones" exemption tells me he either buys into the myth or has some hidden authority issues going on.

Pile-on after gun class discharge misses key unreported point

"Terry maintains his status as a Peace Officer with the Harrisburg Police Department." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report brings you a bit of relevant information that the "Authorized Journalists" conveniently left out in their constant quest to convince us that police are the "Only Ones" who can be trusted with guns.

This Day in History: August 13

Marion set up an ambush, hiding his infantry along a causeway and then enticing Fraser to charge between the hidden troops. [More]