Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Another Bloomberg Bus Tour Update

I just updated today's GRE by embedding a video shot by Northeast Ohio Carry of them getting grilled by cops for open carrying at today's Akron event.

Serta Perfect Sleeper Cell

Just this month, bedding manufacturer Serta announced that it will be sponsoring Bill Clinton’s keynote address to an industry conference in August. "To us,"’ said the head of the company, "Clinton represents leadership.[More]
And to me, patronizing Serta now represents funneling aid and comfort to the enemy.

The mattress business must be good if they can afford to alienate so many Americans.

Remember This Story?

More Fast and Furious guns surface at crimes in Mexico [More
Sharyl Attkisson fills in  the details for her tweet preview I mentioned last night.

Also: Workman weighs in.

Bloomberg Bus Tour Update

I managed to swing by the event for five minutes on the way to my appointment, and to take a few photos.  They're not very good because I was in a hurry and didn't have time to get in close, but they do confirm attendance was sparse and that around a dozen pro-gun activists managed to show up in spite of MAIG keeping everything a last-minute secret.

Go to today's GRE to view the slideshow I just posted.

What Piers Wants

Who cares? [More]

I've come to the conclusion that the best way to make this irrelevant twit go away is to just stop paying attention to him.

A Calculated Insult

He intends for it to be in-your-face.  He wants you to become enraged. [More]

Bloomberg bus tour continues stealth deployment

As things stand, it appears what they really want is a carefully-staged media event, with after-the-fact virtual attendance via supportive TV news pieces, with “crowd” shots carefully framed to mask sparse attendance, and with the narrative based wholly on parroted MAIG talking points. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes that when it comes to be a plotting little sneak, the guy just can't help himself. It's what he is.

We're the Only Ones Punchy Enough

Because there was just no other way a man could have dealt with this... [More]

Not That Big a Deal

Lux et veritas! [More]

What an incubator for future world leaders. 

I wonder if they've cleaned up all that hazardous biological waste yet?

This Day in History: August 14

Washington receives word that French Admiral DeGrasse is sailing for the Chesapeake Bay with a large battle fleet (28 battleships and many support vessels) and a 3,000 man army from the Caribbean. [More]