Monday, August 26, 2013

Last Night on Armed American Radio

Live from the Crossbreed Holster Studios at Tampa Florida’s Talk 860 WGUL and Sarasota’s News Talk 930 WLSS. The Bullet Hole Gun Shop, owner and FFL holder Fran Misantone, Robert Zimmerman talks brother George visiting Kel-Tec plant, Author of The Cornered Cat and co-author of Marks first Book Lessons from Armed America,trainer and expert, Kathy Jackson, David Codrea, George “The Mad Ogre” Hill, private security expert, Scott Currie.
Charles Heller of JPFO also showed up in Hour 3.

More on Oath Keepers

"Militialaw's" reply comment deserves a wider read than just leaving it buried under an old post. [More]

I have further rebuttal points I could make, but I just don't have the time to tear into this right now. Oh, what the hell.

I am not one who thinks we are going to vote or sue our way out, so we're not that far apart on that assessment.  I keep going through the motions because I believe the more people we can get to go through the process and see no that relief is allowed will prove valuable.

[UPDATE PARAGRAPH: Plus, every once in a while we manage to advance or at least repel. Note the success of a critical mass relying on the old ways to keep anything from passing on the national level after Newtown -- so far. I was privy to some discussions with some industry insiders and they were convinced we would have to give up something, because Congress couldn't just do nothing. I was part of a small group that insisted we will not be scapegoated and no compromises would be quietly accepted.]

I see assertions like "OK are the only ones who have a chance of succeeding," and phrases like "crossing the Rubicon," and can't respond with knowledge because I don't think anyone knows what the catalyst event is going to be, what the individual tripwires to result in a series of cascading reactions will be, and what other factors will come to play.  And just as whatever unfolds will bring an individual decision to you and me, so will it happen with individual Oath Keepers.  

I believe the OK mission is valuable for setting up a pool of potential allies who will, in some way and due to some reason, result in some worthy allies and some worthy leaders.  I believe that is worth encouraging. Those are beliefs. Sorry, it's the best I've got, and I haven't met the man who can give better.

What I know is that Stewart Rhodes is a man of integrity. I don't agree with him on everything, and I don't agree with every decision he's made, and I'm sure he would say the same thing about me. And I also understand there are considerations that apply to an organization that do not apply to free agents like me, and I accept that, even if I don't always like the results.  But I've been  with the guy on several occasions, he's been my house guest on several others, and I'll tell you right now I would have no problem trusting him to have my back.

We're the Only Ones Resourceful Enough

Because "Resource Officers" are the "only ones" who should have guns in schools, right? [More]

Yeah, right-- the gun discharged.

Alas, Brave New Babylon

WRSA has the latest from Matt Bracken. [More]

Comment critics notwithstanding, I really have nothing but superlatives for the way this man writes, and the knowledge and intelligence he draws from to do it. I've been in awe since the first "Enemies" book.  It figures establishment publishers won't touch him.

If I ever have the dough, and fat chance of that, there are several essential contemporary writers I would be honored to bestow grants on so they could do what they do worry-free.  Bracken would be at the top of my list.

Pyrrhic Victory

Even if she does beat it, what effect will it have on depleting her political warchest? [More]

Because that's how gun activists ended the political career of former CA Senate President Pro Tem David Roberti after the guy shoved through the first semi-auto ban.

Recalls can be wonderful that way--and who cares what it costs the state?

Bipolar poll respondents who say they're against the new gun edicts and also against the recalls need to get their heads out of their hindquarters.

[Via Jess]

Expedited Return

I'll go you one better, sheriff  --unless the guy is arrested, he shouldn't have his guns taken at all.  And if he's charged but considered safe enough to release on bail to await trial, he ought to have his guns handed to him when you set him loose, and keep them pending conviction and incarceration.  [More]

If it's a matter of you need to keep the gun he used as evidence for an investigation, and if the guy doesn't have something suitable to replace it with, your department ought to be required to provide him with a loaner.

Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian. It is that simple.

[Via Bluesgal]

A Chi-Town "Toy"

Cool set of wheels! [More]

How much does it weigh and what's the height of the bridge? I'm trying to figure me out some newtons here...


We're the Only Ones Doubling Down Enough

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. [More]

I'm sorry, but I  just wouldn't give this guy a third shot. Not as an insurer, not as a club officer, and not as a student.  I know some people swear by the guy and say he's the ginchiest, but two NDs hitting students and you're out.

And no, I don't care if the first incident was decades ago.  Time to retire.

Nice to see at least the "real reporter" figured out he was cop at the time of the first incident, although the ... uh ... only one I know reporting that he still  maintains active duty status is me.  I can't help but wonder if there would be charges were he not in cozy with the local constabulary.

I wonder how many of the "progressive" commentators making insulting posts about gun owners adhere to an "Only Ones" worldview...?

[Via several of you]

It Only Sounds Good to the Ignorant

That's what the antis are counting on. [Watch]

Incidentally, this is another way of approaching the same question I almost got arrested for asking back in '96, and that eventually led to my adoption of the term "Authorized Journalists."

Another Senseless Gun Death

Why, oh why couldn't it have been a knife death instead, like "Demand a Plan" policies would have guaranteed? [More]

[Via Florida Guy]

No Doubt Safer Than Asbestos and Thalidomide

The US Department of Homeland Security has expressed interest in giving non-lethal offensive capabilities to drones used by its Customs and Border Protection service. Any such move is bound to be contentious, and tagging might prove more acceptable to US public opinion. Drones could also use smart tagging during riots so that the people involved can be identified and later arrested. [More]
So if they use this powdered nanocrystal aerosol domestically and indiscriminately, as in "riots" (itself often a subjective term when those who have peaceably assembled get attacked by force initiators who will brook no lack of deference to "authoritah"),where the wind could evidently carry it to more than just the principals involved, and people breathe it in, what studies/clinical trials have been conducted to ascertain the long-term effects of such particles becoming embedded in lung tissue, etc., what were the methodologies used, were they published and peer-reviewed, etc.?

Would it be measured in parts per million? Per billion?

I mean, if there's a chance my government is going to spray me or mine or anybody else with this, I want to make sure somebody actually knows what exposure levels have been determined safe.

Maybe Voxtel's George M. Williams Jr. could conduct some trials where he has his two children breathe in various levels of his magic dust, and then get back to us in a decade or two... 

Oh, and I hate to bring this up, but if a federal judge was going to require an environmental impact study on concealed carry before allowing guns in national parks, just imagine what  stuff might do to condors, spotted owls, delta smelt and Delphi Sands Flower-Loving Flies...

Oh, and I hate to bring this up right now, but what if it gets into the water supply...?

[Via Florida Guy]

I Have a Delusion

"... the color of one's skin remains a license to ... murder with no regard for the content of one's character," he said, calling for "stand your ground" self-defense laws to be repealed in states where they have been enacted. [More]
 Among some, there's no doubt about it.

If any sick, cowardly animal in any skin tries this with me or mine, and if the content of his character ends up all over the sidewalk, well, all occupations have inherent risks.

I had a chance to watch some of the DC festivities on CSPAN. I was horrified.The central theme: If you're not a white-blaming collectivist, you're a racist.

I think a lot of good people are getting pretty sick of it all. Especially when the results of "home rule" are so apparent for all to see.

We're the Only Ones Disregarding Enough

It's tough to know the truth of this incident, but not tough at all to see a tremendous conflict if such a "stand down" call is allowed, one that really illustrates the danger of "Only Ones" exemptions. [More]

If her call ends up being deemed unjustified, there are legal consequences. 

I don't suppose they'd be willing to extend that "call off" authority to all of us...?

Caffeinated Propaganda

The media blares an AstroTurf stunt all over the place, and of course it's a dud. [More]

But most won't know that, and reality won't stop the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists from blaring it all over the place next time. And the next.

A message needs to be implanted in the public consciousness.

That, of course, is why Dianne Feinstein and others are calling for "common sense press control."

Under such exclusions, Mike and I could have gone to jail over this.  Talk about chilling whistleblowers. Not to mention us lowly "Unauthorized Journalists."

Sergio and Julio

I was sent this petition link on Facebook.  Two teens were busted in Mexico for drugs in the car. Their families want to free them.

Typically I am leery of such, as the story given can often be one-sided, and decided to do some checking.

Turns out the father bought the van from a government auction -- it had been seized in a drug raid and police had found drugs in it. Even our government, according to Professor Jonathan Turley, "has admitted the likely error on their part and written a letter to the Mexican police that "Torres Duarte could have had the cocaine without knowing when he was arrested driving the car in Mexico.”

The petition is gaining support, and I certainly encourage that, but I also think there's something else that could be effective at getting official attention to ensure the facts of this troubling case get adequate public scrutiny, and that if an injustice has been done that it be made right.

I just sent the following to the Mexican Embassy in Washington:

That's tough for older eyes to read, so here's the text of my message:
Please give this your full attention:

The facts of this troubling case need to be openly examined, and if there is a reasonable doubt that these boys have been wrongly convicted, your government must set things right. In the absence of that, I will be contacting my representative and asking that Congress use its authority to defund economic assistance programs to your country, and will be urging others to do the same.

With over 138,000 supporters having signed a petition at this writing (, it's not difficult to see how widespread grassroots support for this idea could create a bipartisan demand that Congress could not ignore.
Yeah, I know, I'm against the foreign aid  as a matter of legitimacy and principle, too, but VLLA SELLA 'n all that.

The bottom line is, particularly if airing the facts shows the kids were railroaded, this could gin up popular support for Republicans with the Hispanic electorate that wouldn't involve caving on illegal immigration.  And yeah, I also know that the GOP establishment is probably too unimaginative, corrupt and dumb to show principled leadership on anything, but just maybe if enough of us contact the Mexican ambassador, it will shake something loose.

What have you go to lose, two minutes?

Regnat Populus

And being rulers, the decision to carry arms as they please is theirs. [More]

Anti-gun pol considers concealed carry after home break-in

Howze is a doctrinaire Detroit Democrat. When she had a chance to expand authorized concealed carry locales to protect against mass shooters, she voted “Nay.” [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a conversion on the road to Damascus of sorts, right about where it intersects with 8 Mile Rd.

White Extremists

I'm actually surprised these guys haven't been officially listed yet on SPLC's "Hate Watch" page... [More]

UPDATE: Kurt has lots more.

Photo Finish

If they beat it, is there a trophy or something? [More]

If only they would complete their job of disarming the "law-abiding" ... why, that'd be one for the record books!