Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Connecticut judge declares ‘No one should have guns’

“No one in this country should have guns,” the judge reportedly stated, adding “I never return guns.” [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a heart blacker than the robes.

Stop the Threat: Perceived Threat

From American Trigger Sports Network:

In this week's crime reenactment: On a stormy night far from the city lights, a father is awakened by thunder and lightning.  Dazed and half-asleep, he sees a shadow pass his window that looks like a man with a rifle heading towards his childrens room.  He grabs his shotgun to investigate.
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Plus you can always check them out on YouTube.

Why Gun Control Can't Eliminate Gun Violence

Well for starters, because it's not "gun violence."  [More]

What did Mr. Pynchon say about the wrong questions?

The Buckshot Horror

They really are like ignorant children sometimes. [More]

Perhaps they'd prefer these babies?

Not Enough Votes

Like that's going to determine things. [More]

Even if you had 'em, do you think we're just going to roll over, you wretched fascist? 

[Via Andrea Shea King]

In Our Opinion

The Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists are doing a full-court press. Here are some representative examples from collectivist strongholds that have already removed themselves from the Republic:
  • Massachusetts needs to get serious about new gun controls. (Boston Globe, it's paywalled so no link, screw 'em)
  • San Francisco needs to toughen gun laws. (San Francisco Chronicle, and yeah, they're anti-gun bedwetters, so screw them too).

Note to Quislings: It's never enough. They want it all. Never give an inch.  If you do, they'll go for the mile.

Why do we have to constantly tell you this, you highly-paid dopes?

The Big Lie

Obama says Navy Yard shooting shows need for better gun checks [More
Alrighty then.

They just keep adding lie upon lie. And their Fourth Estate Fifth columnist co-conspirators are happy to help them do it.  Ain't that right, Reuters?

Trapped By Their Own Rhetoric

Quick--somebody change the narrative! [More]

Maybe some pictures of Aaron Alexis as a boy...

If Obama had a mass shooter...

If Armed Guards Won't Work, What Will?

Don't worry, "National Correspondent" and noted armed security expert Matthew Cooper will save you! [More]

What? He's not an armed security expert?  He knows nothing about it, has never taken an advanced defensive gun use class in his life, let alone colored in a workbook, and is in fact ignorant and totally unqualified to render an opinion? Yet he poses as some sort of authority whose opinion deserves consideration? He's just another anti-gun "progressive" who doesn't know what he's talking about and would have no other solution in a mass shooting than to quiver under a desk with his subtantial hindquarters sticking out, while praying the stalking monster kills somebody else?

In a way though, I agree with him, and have from the start about NRA's "Only Ones" proposal. Not that Wayne came up with anything he hasn't been saying for years...

We're the Only Ones Roughing It Enough

Say, maybe some people shouldn't have guns in National Parks after all... [More]

CNN’s ‘real reporting’ rewrites Starbucks gun policy history

As for roping Starbucks in, the real activity that brought this to national attention was initiated by the Brady Campaign, which loudly pushed a petition demanding “The practice of packing heat in places like Starbucks … must be stopped.” [More]
This morning’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes the “Authorized Journalists” trying to stir things up to get people to swallow a steaming cup of freshly-brewed media swill.

Money Talks

And the market has spoken. [More]

[Via PBG]

The First Casualty is Truth

Kurt points out some liars who don't even care if they're caught.  They'll keep on doing it anyway, and more brazenly, because that's the only formula that works for them.  [More]

This Day in History: September 18

I had six or seven Stacks of Timothy Hay at my Quarter upon the Head of little Hunting Creek, two of which have been already seized for the american Army, or for some other public Purpose here; for which I suppose I shall receive Certificates to be paid, when or how, I know not. [More]