Monday, November 04, 2013

Author Bracken offers another free 'high-octane' e-book

“The Bracken Anthology” contains “recent essays, commentaries and short fiction from … 2010 to 2013,” including his latest short work, “Alas, Brave New Babylon,” the Amazon book description explains for what it terms “high-octane distillate.”

That’s an apt description for work by a writer who is known and appreciated for his “bleeding-edge dystopian thrillers.” [More]

This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner report presents yet another offer you can’t refuse – well, you can, but it will be your loss.

EXCLUSIVE: Game Of Drones

“People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) announced the launch of their long-planned drone program,” the article reports. The DroneShield device will pick up acoustic signatures to alert hunters “worried about harassment from environmental and activist groups.” [More]
My latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column is now online.

Not Your Father's NRA

Meet the newest NRA News Commentator Austin Weiss, a guy with an affinity for beautifully crafted machines who splits his time between designing custom-built cars and motorcycles and taking a stand for firearms and the Second Amendment.

I like seeing new and non-traditional spokespeople. It not only is refreshingly creative, but also has to baffle the hell out of the anti-gun bigots who want to stereotype us -- this proves they can't.

Most important thing is for freedom activists to do something

All I can suggest if you don't know where to start would be a journey of self-discovery and learning. Pick some areas you think you might be interested in and explore them. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes that while one size might not fit all, if you try on enough things, you’re sure to find something that wears well.

We're the Only Ones Responding Appropriately Enough

300-pound officer shoots 12-pound terrier, claims it threatened his life [More]

I actually saw some people in other accounts defending this.

[Via M. Terry]

The Horns of a Dilemma

See, if your only option in a gun-free zone" is to pray, what are you supposed to do if you're in a public school...? [More]

UPDATE: Workman weighs in on the LAX shooting.

Sunday Radio Recap

If you missed yesterdays programs, they've now been archived and you can listen to them at your leisure:

Kate Kreuger Talking Guns:
Today was an amazing show about freedoms, gun control, gun free zones, Obamacare and gun registries and so much more with 2 amazing guests... First hour I was joined by AWR Hawkins with a PhD in US Military and a contributor for,, and many other outlets. And then in the second hour David Codrea, Talking Guns contributor,, Gun Rights Examiner, War on Guns and more... and we also had Steve Ledin of Optics with his tip for the week!! It was a great show .... I enjoyed the interviews and I hope you did too... Many thanks to our listeners for calling in and supplying questions through Facebook and email. 

Armed American Radio with host Mark Walters (scroll down to "AAR Recent Posts"):
In studio, pro gun attorney John Monroe preparing to fight Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push coalition suing GA to overturn Stand Your Ground, Dr. John Lott talks to Mark about his testimony on the hill in front of gun hater democrat Dick Durbin’s senate Judiciary “investigating” state Stand Your Ground laws, phone calls, the Mad Ogre George Hill, David Codrea and more!

Something He's Good At

Imagine what he could achieve if his natural aptitudes were encouraged to blossom and grow... [More]

[Via Florida Guy]

Most Favored Nation

The Obama administration declined to comment on Sunday on provocative state-run Chinese media reports outlining Beijing’s nuclear war plans, including land-based and submarine-launched missile strikes on U.S. cities that would kill up to 12 million people. [More]
Our pals, the human rights champions.

What I don't get is why LA and the Pacific Northwest? I thought they'd already captured those territories.  It's almost like once idiots are no longer useful, they're no longer...uh...useful.

[Via Jess]

Not the Answer

What's the question? [More]

The important thing here is, extreme hoplophobe Tiffany doesn't want you armed.

Politico Discovers Gun Radio

I'm very pleased to have been a regular and frequent contributor to all of these programs, for years, except the one that claims to be "editorially separate." [More]