Friday, November 15, 2013

‘Saddam Hussein’ and ‘Osama Bin Ladin’ oppose Ohio ‘Stand Your Ground’ bill

What’s telling here is not that the OBLC gungrabbers were punked, but that they either didn’t recognize the names, or did, and left them in anyway.. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes the gungrabbers aren’t too picky about who signs their petitions just as long as they get some names.

He'll See the Big Board!*

Yellen against Rand Paul’s ‘Audit the Fed’ bill [More]

In a sane world, this would be non-negotiable. And "legitimate media" would be screaming for it the loudest.


Oh, You Think That, Do You?

“We’re not in it to stockpile. We’re in it to take what you have and there’s nothing you can do to stop us,” Tyler Smith says. “We are your worst nightmare, and we are coming.” [More]
We'll be here, Tyler.

Mayors Against Legal Pipelines

Because rendering human subjects powerless, in more ways than one, is the "progressive" thing to do. [More]

Why does an old made-for-TV movie come to mind...?

[Via Michael G]

Outdated Technology

Why, do you realize, that in this day and age, some of our DIOs actually have to use hand tools to bore out glory holes in their hotel doors when they're out in the field? [More]

Besides, you people are just fear-mongering.  Trust him. He's taken an oath.

Never go full B. Todd...

[Via several of you]

Global Gun Rights

This is the conference Alan Gottlieb went to. [More]

I'd be interested to learn more about it and the organization.

One of Each?

Via a Breitbart email:

What, you mean "three"?

From Meghan and who else?

Bill Gates backing gun control measure

...Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda have contributed $25,000 apiece to the Initiative 594 campaign, joining a growing list of wealthy Seattle-area supporters of the 15-page gun control measure... [More]
What do we expect from an insulated and well-protected elitist who thinks Obama doesn't have enough power?

Candidly, I liked him better when he was voicing Pooh.

A Serious Threat?

Blogger threatened with 10-year prison sentence for posting public official’s phone number...[More]
So if I cut and paste the information or produce a screenshot from this public document, paid for with tax money and even downloadable, I could be threatened with 10 years in the slammer?

I don't believe it. This I've gotta see for myself.
Anybody feel some kind of Streisand Effect or something going on here...?

So you mean to tell me if I put  angelene f. richardson 617-343-4500 into the Google search bar, that those responsible for all the results that turn up will also be subject to such a threat, including the City of Boston? And they'd send guys with guns to haul the ones who survived the jackboot encounter away?

Really?  That's horrible. That sounds like something out of Stalinist Russia.

Or Beantown. The Mumbles Administration 'n all...

Hey, nice jersey...

[Via Florida Guy]

Beaming the Smile No American Will

You mean to tell me the face of damn Obamacare isn't even a citizen...? [More]

And since when is it the function of Medicare/Medicaid, or in the enumerated delegated powers of the federal government, to give free family photos?  Who would even think to go ask them about cutting that kind of a deal?

This Day in History: November 15

While our enemies are disappointed, mortified and stunned; while our combined forces are flushed with victory; while all Europe is on our side, and look upon us as engaged in the common cause of mankind; now is the time to improve our success, and press the enemy with redoubled ardor, till Britain shall be obliged to yield us the happy fruits of our toils and sufferings, of our blood and treasure, in the blessings of an established independence and peace. [More]