Tuesday, December 17, 2013

So Much for that "Wall of Separation"

So if they're going to open their doors for services based on political beliefs, and keep out members of the public who don't share in the collectivist faith, why should they enjoy tax exempt status? [More]

Being a sole protestor shows leadership. Hat's off for that. And he showed perfect media presence and control.

Being more immature, I'd have been tempted to do a Charles Laughton impersonation, just to screw with' em.

Burlington Updates

The latest from VFSC:
  • VFSC Burlington Report #9
  • Appeal to Mayor Weinberger
If you're a Vermont gun owner, I'm sure you've told all your gun owner friends about this, right?

And that you appreciate all the hard work and long hours being done by volunteers who have their own lives to live, and kicked in to help in order to show your appreciation and support?

Thank You, Captain Obvious

Hickenlooper: New Gun Laws Had No Impact on Arapahoe HS Shooting [More]
None of them will, moron.

All they do is enable and guarantee more.

Which means "progressives" will insist on expanding restrictions.

[Via cydl]


Survey shows nearly two dozen Ohio schools authorize carrying of guns to improve kids' safety [More]
It's a beginning.

If You Didn't Want to Get Raped...

...you shouldn't have worn such provocative clothes. [More]

Isn't that what they're saying?

[Via Michael G]

How Can You Tell Steve Lindley is Lying?

Read the last line and see for yourself. [More]

Oh, and as for the gun owner who whines otherwise, sorry, but you do have a choice.  You always have a choice.

It won't affect you personally because you abide by all the laws? Seriously?

You keep believing that and keep making excuses. And keep on abiding, no matter what they impose next.

We seek not your counsel nor your arms.

[Via Dave Licht]

It's Payback Time

Too bad it didn't come out of McGinn's pocket. [More]

We're the Only Ones Surpassing Enough

Americans Killed by Cops Now Outnumber Americans Killed in Iraq War [More]
Funny, how "monopoly of violence" fetishists are so quiet about this... for now.

It's not that they don't want to disarm you LEOS, have rules requiring you to check out your weapons at the start of an assigned shift and check them back in at the end of it-- it's just if they let you know that'll be coming once they've secured other objectives, you might balk at helping them get there.

The thing is, you guys who will apparently follow any order and not break the code of silence, you who abuse your authority, you whose highest priority is to make it home at the end of your shift and to hell if the people you're falsely presumed to protect and serve do, haven't exactly been making any friends.

One note of caution about the way things are presented on the linked site:  I don't accept on blind faith that 5,000 were "murdered" by the police. I'd have to see that explained before assuming that none of those were legitimate DGUs against bad and dangerous freelance predators.  That said, I'd love to see a credible breakdown, and have no doubt just from stories posted here that many (most?) are ruled justifiable and consistent with department protocols just because they can be.

[Via Jeremy H]

A Compelling Argument

But I’ve always suspected the guys bragging about their big guns are compensating for a lack of size elsewhere. [More
 Gee, Jeff, we've never heard that before.  Man, you sure are original and clever!

"Locked and loaded with fear," Jeff? Projecting, are we?

That this is the level of editorial argument offered in The Toledo Blade should hardly be surprising. They've got nothing else, so they have to set loose the trolls and hope incendiary responses might heat up flagging interest in unhinged gatekeeper govsuck media.

Oh look, they're also upset about guns being used in the new GI Joe movie.  Seriously. These guys are like a South Park episode.

[Via Gerald S]

It Ain't Over 'til it's Over

But if today's Sales Update email from the Civilian Marksmanship Program is an indication, manufacturers remain stretched and consumer demand remains strong... [More]
It's almost like there's a determined minority out there or something...

We're the Only Ones Accident-Prone Enough

"I really believe that until today when we advised him what happened, I really believe he had no idea he was the one that fired the shot," Lavender said. [More
Seriously? That doesn't make things even more inexcusable?

Hey, I wonder if she'd shot him if she'd be on paid leave...

Nothin' Says Lovin'...

...like someone in the oven. [More]

Ain't that right, Mr.Nobel Peace Prize winner...?

I wonder why he wants those guys to have guns but not us.

Even Yul doesn't get it.

A Sipsey Street Exclusive

Mike has exclusive observations on "sensitive investigative matters". [More]

And exclusive documentation to back them up.

It can't be important though, because no "real reporter" will touch it.

New Jersey gun laws gave killer carjackers lethal advantage

‘Issuance of the permit is almost completely discretionary, and New Jersey courts have upheld the policy of strictly limiting permits ‘to persons specifically employed in security work . . . and to others who can establish an urgent necessity for carrying guns for self-protection’,” USA Carry reports. [More]
Cowardly monsters enabled by “progressive” laws can strike anytime, anywhere. Assuming otherwise is an illusion predators “on the street” and stalking the corridors of power are counting on us not seeing through.

District of Corruption

Contemplate, enjoy and share.  I did. [Watch]

Laughed out loud a few times, too, through the painful truth of things...

A Disciple of Christ

God Damn Guns [More
Apparently because guns are our Moloch or some such.

Funny, and all this time I thought they were a penis substitute.

Y'ever get the feeling some of these people ain't quite right?

Yes, We Have No Bananas

“I can tell you with near certainty that climate change is behind these pests,” she said. [More]
I'm sure Mr. Beale would agree with her.

Funny thing, though...

Y'know, after observing time and again that for "Progressives," every day is Opposite Day, after noting the clamoring from vested interest bureaucrats, collectivist politicians, and media cheerleaders who never saw a seizure of power or a chance to control more wealth that they didn't jump at, you'll pardon me if I suspect that anyone who doesn't question such "because I said so" pronouncements is simply bananas.

A Republican Priority

Increasing the ranks of Democrats... [More]

And no, of course it won't affect their grades. Even though only the most disingenuous would argue that the uninsulated "single issue" will remain unaffected.

We're Not the Only Ones Hopeful Enough

There may be hope, however.  A lawsuit is currently being prepared against Sunnyvale to prevent this ordinance from taking effect.  San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors also adopted a very similar magazine ban.  And, on November 19, the San Francisco Veteran Police Officers Association filed a lawsuit, supported by the National Rifle Association, in federal court challenging it.  A lawsuit against Sunnyvale will be filed soon. [More]
Oh, good-- the complaint includes "resident ... law-abiding citizen[s]" and is not limited to "Only Ones." The wording of the NRA article didn't really convey that.
Kurt has more.

Funny Thing About "Violence"

Evidently, if you have the right permissions, it somehow transmutes into "dignity." [More]

Funny, how if "suicide" is the prime culprit, the same crowd wants these guys to have all the guns.

Piled Higher and Deeper

Just as an educated suburbanite drives a Prius as a badge of virtue... [More]
I've read enough.  Figures the guy went to Vassar.

Why do I suspect sockpuppet "Professor Publius" is either his secret identity or one of his friends?

Herschel shares his thoughts.

This Day in History: December 17

By the testimonials of the General Officers under whom Capt. de Frey has more immediately served, it fully appears that during his continuance in the Army of the United States he acted with the bravery and good conduct of an officer and the Reputation of a Gentleman. Given under my hand and seal at Philadelphia the 17th day of Decemr 1781—[More]