Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Because It's Never Enough

And it never will be. [More]

They want it all, they want it now and they want it delivered.

And if you oppose such "common sense gun safety laws," you're an extremist.

And no doubt a racist with a small penis who is responsible for Sandy Hook...


  1. ROFL - "Ghost Guns"

    So now hoplophobia extends to the supernatural.

  2. In Niall Ferguson's Civilization, I find the following, page 298:

    "In his 1966 book Tragedy and Hope , Carroll Quigley attributed great power to a mysterious Anglo-American "secret society" allegedly founded by Cecil
    Rhodes, Alfred Milner [and others]"

    NF relates that CQ attributed the Boer War, the weakening of the Versailles Treaty, and the appeasement of Nazi Germany to this group or its successors, among which was the CFR.

    NF: Quigley exaggerrated both the secrecy of the group and the success of Milner's activities.

  3. Next they will want you to register you mill and lathe


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