Thursday, January 16, 2014

Eric Cooke Continues to Endear Himself

You-uns remember Eric Cooke...?

Anybody think there are orders he wouldn't follow?

I know, it's not fair to judge him unless I've goose-stepped a mile in his jackboots.

[Via Truth in Politics]


  1. So that's how they do it: deny the registration applications, but keep them anyway for the confiscation lists. Another reason to never trust government when they speak of registration.

    As for that old saw, "if you don't register, you're not a law-abiding citizen," so be it. Call me outlaw and patriot.Do you dare to push me to "enemy"?

  2. Good catch. Too bad Benedetto caved in to him.

  3. David - never had occasion to before, but I thought I'd offer an alternative to this sentence:

    "I know, it's not fair to judge him unless I've goose-stepped a mile in his jackboots."

    "I know, it's not fair to judge him, unless I've stepped on mundane citizen's faces with his jackboots, supported, of course, by other armed, jackbooted thugs who also consider the Bill of Rights as less useful than the toilet paper said thugs believe it was written on."

  4. Aside from the matter of this person complying with a bad law...

    The application was "not received or postmarked prior to January 1, 2014" but they did have it in hand for a rejection to be sent out first thing on the first business day of the year?

    I smell lawsuit.

  5. 'But, Sir, We know you have them - you told us!"



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