Monday, January 27, 2014

The Questions Presented

Leonard Embody has filed his case with SCOTUS.

I know a lot of gun people disapprove of him and his methods, but I'd challenge his critics to look at the two questions he presents and tell us what they think the answers should be, and if they think we deserve to know how the Supreme Court would rule on them -- because if they rule it does not, it will be game over as far as relying on the system. 

I'd like to know if continued hope-pinning on the legal system for relief is just a waste of time, as I suspect, but even Embody doesn't give this much chance of being heard.

Rather than being afraid to hear the answer, we ought to have been demanding it all along.  I guess some feel if we don't ask the question, we'll never have to face dealing with the answer.

We can't want that frog realizing how hot the water is, now can we?

Thing is, those who know they're frauds fear giving their unequivocal answer to those questions just as much as some fear asking them.


  1. I hear you!

  2. It's my opinion that a couple of the last SAF CCW challenges involved places where open carry is allowed, NY and MD. They continue to ask for CCW permits when historically there were no permits necessary to carry a firearm.
    Unfortunately since I can't carry a loaded gun outside my home except to hunt my rights are infringed. I hope the case is heard, but if not I will have to move to a more gun friendly state like Illinois.

  3. Why should it matter to government whether people openly carry weapons or concealed carry weapons? First, the right to keep and bear arms does not differentiate in the manner of bearing arms. Second, all people should be considered to be carrying a weapon. Third, openly carrying a weapon distresses some who observe the carrying of the weapon, so concealed carrying a weapon should soothe their psyches.

  4. Forcing answers from black-robed tyrants is expensive and praiseworthy, regardless of the outcome.

    Remember that an illegal law is void as if it had never been passed in the first place, and remember that this fact has already been recognized multiple times by the highest courts. (Norton vs Shelby County; Marbury vs Madison).


  5. I think the right to bear includes the right to carry a loaded rifle. A rifle cannot be carried concealed because it is a long weapon. Therefore, open carry must be the right.


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